Environment submissions database
The environment submissions database allows you to browse and search environment data submitted to the REF 2021.
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Showing research doctoral degrees awarded 1 to 1 of 1
University of Nottingham, The
Unit of assessment 1: Clinical Medicine
2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2019-20 Total 53.61 64.37 62.10 66.44 57.60 53.08 54.40 411.60
Showing research income 1 to 1 of 1
University of Nottingham, The
Unit of assessment 1: Clinical Medicine
Income for 2013-14 Income for 2014-15 Average for 2015-16 to 2019-20 Average for 2013-14 to 2019-20 Total income for 2013-14 to 2019-20 Total income for all sources £12,934,507 £15,058,072 £15,009,358 £14,719,910 £103,039,370
Showing research income-in-kind 1 to 1 of 1
University of Nottingham, The
Unit of assessment 1: Clinical Medicine
Income for 2013-14 Income for 2014-15 Income for 2015-16 Income for 2016-17 Income for 2017-18 Income for 2018-19 Income for 2019-20 Total income for 2013-14 to 2019-20 £1,210,898 £1,453,078 £1,453,078 £2,422,345 £4,509,739 £5,490,553 £3,830,422 £20,370,113
Showing enviroment narratives 1 to 1 of 1
University of Nottingham, The
Unit of assessment 1: Clinical Medicine
The pandemic led to three major adjustments of UoN’s research environment (March-31 July 2020). (I) DIVERSION OF RESOURCES: UoN responded to >400 local and national requests for help. We donated specialist equipment to establish the Lighthouse facilities; provided accommodation for NHS staff and activities; contributed to PPE design and onsite manufacture. Using a named partners approach, UoN developed a model that we implemented and shared widely with HEIs. Our contribution was acknowledged in Number 10’s COVID-19 briefing (19/04/2020). UoN piloted asymptomatic testing and supported the establishment of a national expert group on testing and infection mitigation strategies among university students. We initiated an ongoing research programme to develop a national cohort of young people who have experienced COVID-19 asymptomatic and symptomatic infection in order to examine impacts on their health and wellbeing and to explore public health approaches to epidemic management. We are a lead centre for HDR UK National Core Studies; a COG-UK hub for COVID-19 Gene sequencing; and contributor to the Oxford vaccine study. UoN staff have provided leadership nationally: Jonathan Van-Tam (Deputy Chief Medical Officer), Wei Shen Lim (Joint Committee on Vaccination and Immunisation), and Ian Hall (UK-CTAP). (II) SUPPORTING RESEARCHERS: UoN’s Research Recovery Group, chaired by the PVC for Research and KE, oversaw our response. A COVID Triage group managed research proposals, new resources, and guidance to support staff wellbeing, and the move to remote working. Key initiatives (to 31/07/2020) included exemplary support for PGRs. All registered PGRs due to complete before 1/10/2020 were awarded zero-fee extensions of up to 6 months. Funding extensions of up to 6 months were made available to PGRs supported by UoN, UKRI and other charitable bodies, with an emphasis on those with disabilities, caring responsibilities, mental health, and financial challenges. UoN was the first HEI to publish policies modifying examination procedures, sharing these nationally and internationally. We supported ECRs with UKRI block grant-funded project extensions and topped-up furlough. Equality Impact Assessments ensured EDI considerations were embedded in all processes, including the return to campus. UoN researcher community engagement was supported through a virtual Town Hall programme (>1000 attendances May-June). (III) CHANGES IN CAPACITY AND INCOME GENERATION: Responding to the pandemic and prioritising support for national and local efforts affected research across UoN (c.60 clinical academics transferred to clinical work during COVID-19’s first wave). The move to online teaching impacted the research capacity of all UoN staff on research and teaching contracts. All non-COVID related research and clinical trials were paused (03/2020). They reopened over several weeks following a plan with student and staff wellbeing at its heart. Researchers were also impacted by: pausing of research-related facilities, onsite research, work with patients and the public, and national and international fieldwork; and closure of key external research facilities. The initial impact is evidenced by income changes: UoN’s research income 2019-20 was £19.5m lower than 2018-19; and income generated through working with industry was £4.2m less than anticipated.
Showing research groups 1 to 1 of 1
University of Nottingham, The
Unit of assessment 1: Clinical Medicine
- A - Child Health, Obstetrics and Gynaecology
- B - Clinical Neuroscience
- C - Cancer and Stem Cell
- D - Respiratory Medicine
- E - Rheumatology, Orthopaedics and Dermatology
- F - Medical Science and Graduate Entry Medicine
- G - Nottingham Digestive Diseases Centre
- H - Clinical Trials Unit
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