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Impact case study database

The impact case study database allows you to browse and search for impact case studies submitted to the REF 2021. Use the search and filters below to find the impact case studies you are looking for.
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Hardware Accelerated Processor for Network and Cloud Security

1. Summary of the impact

2. Underpinning research

3. References to the research

4. Details of the impact

5. Sources to corroborate the impact

Additional contextual information

Grant funding

Grant number Value of grant
EP/G034303/1 £4,569,566
EP/H049606/1 £2,704,971
EP/J006238/1 £2,110,179
GCHQ Research Award £19,504
GCHQ Research Award £99,751
GCHQ Research Award £82,196
Research Award £102,092
Commercial Partner Funding £21,400
Commercial Partner Funding £5,277
Commercial Partner Funding £125,000
European Framework Funding £180,960
Commercial Partner Funding £17,500