Impact case study database
Cambridge encyclopedia of anthropology: Open-access anthropology for education and public policy (phase 1)
1. Summary of the impact
The Cambridge Encyclopedia of Anthropology (CEA), launched online in November 2017, is a new open-access resource that provides an authoritative medium aiming to increase the impact of Anthropology in the public sphere and has impacted secondary and higher education and teaching, government training, and the charity sector. In just three years online, it has grown from 17 to 56 entries and attracted a total of 186,266 readers from 214 countries and has featured in syllabi at higher education institutions in the UK, Argentina, Egypt, Mongolia, the US, and Norway, among others. Entries have been promoted in outreach education by the Royal Anthropological Institute (2018-9), and the CEA has been incorporated into education and training at the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (2019).
2. Underpinning research
The Department of Anthropology covers a breadth of expertise across social anthropology, which has informed the development of encyclopedia entries. In 2015, Felix Stein was employed as a Research Associate (with Sian Lazar as PI) to conduct research on public engagement and social anthropology, with a view to assessing the need for a public resource devoted to the discipline. One of the key findings of Stein’s research, based on 50 interviews conducted with British social anthropologists from October 2015 to December 2016 whilst he was employed at Cambridge, was that anthropology’s greatest impacts as a discipline stem from the public-facing spirit of much of British anthropology. The research was subsequently published in The Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute after Stein had left the University ( R1). In response, the Department established the Cambridge Encyclopedia of Anthropology (CEA), an online, open-access and peer-reviewed encyclopedia of social anthropology, which is unique for the discipline. The open access is key: alternative online research encyclopedias exist, but behind expensive paywalls and with longer articles in more academic language. CEA hopes to be as accessible as Wikipedia but more authoritative because written and peer reviewed by experts. CEA has since grown to include entries from researchers outside of Cambridge and is becoming a platform that brings together anthropological research conducted in different universities and countries in a uniquely open access resource. In this first phase, just three years after its launch in November 2017, it has grown from 17 to 56 live entries and has another 114 in production or commissioned. Stein continues to develop CEA as Managing Editor, in partnership with an editorial board composed of permanent staff members of Cambridge’s Department of Social Anthropology and chaired by Sian Lazar.
CEA Entries cover diverse topics organised in the overlapping areas of Economics, Health, Kinship, Politics, Region, Religion, and Theory. Of the 56 entries published, 28 are authored by contributors who had or continue to have an affiliation with the department. The staff named in this case study are an indicative sample. Throughout, published academic outputs have been used as the basis on which to write a publicly-accessible entry for the CEA, which have then gone onto achieve impacts further afield. For example,
Rupert Stasch has conducted research on the relationship between tourism and leisure in West Papua, demonstrating in R2 (2019) how Western tourists’ exotic stereotypes of the Korowai people stem from a specific historical relationship with work, leisure, and the ‘primitive’ Other. This work directly informed his CEA entry on Tourism, which was incorporated into the Royal Anthropological Institute’s outreach education materials ( E6).
Paola Filippucci has worked on the aftermath of the Great War in localities throughout Eastern France. In R3 (2010) she shows how destroyed places convey painful memories of conflict with long-term effects on both identity and continuity. R3 was a key resource in her CEA entry on Landscape, published September 2016, which was subsequently used in internal training programs at the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (DEFRA) ( E10).
In R4 (2008), Sian Lazar identifies the ways that citizenship is constituted by practices of political belonging in Latin America (Bolivia and Argentina), resulting in an entry on Citizenship. In R5 (2006), Harri Englund demonstrates how notions of human rights are translated cross-culturally in civil society initiatives in Southern Africa (especially in Malawi), resulting in an entry on Human Rights. David Sneath explores hierarchy and power in Mongolia in R6 (2009), which resulted in an entry on Tribe. Fiona Wright shows in R7 (2018) how Jewish Israeli anti-occupation and anti-racist activism consists of both spaces of subversion and articulations of complicity, outlining the complexities of activism in polarized contexts, resulting in an entry on Resistance. All of these (Citizenship, Human Rights, Tribe and Resistance) have been used in higher education curriculum materials in the UK and globally ( E3, E4, E5).
The studies summarised here are based on long-term ethnographic fieldwork, incorporating standard anthropological methods such as participant observation, semi-structured interviews, archival and audio-visual methods.
3. References to the research
All articles included in the following outputs are peer-reviewed and in high-profile journals ( R2, R6, R1). The monographs are well-cited and have been reviewed in high impact journals. For instance, R5 was favourably reviewed in American Anthropologist and the Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute. R4 was favourably reviewed in several high-profile international journals in anthropology and Latin American Studies, including Political and Legal Anthropology Review, Latin American Research Review and as part of a review essay in European Review of Latin American and Caribbean Studies. R7 is more recent and has been reviewed in The Middle East Journal. R3 is a book chapter.
R1. Stein, Felix. 2017. ‘Anthropology’s “impact” – a comment on audit and the unmeasurable nature of critique.’ The Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute 24(1): 10-29,\-9655.12749
R2 Stasch, Rupert.2019. Primitivist tourism and anthropological research: Awkward relations. Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute, 25(3), pp. 526-545. [DOI] Corresponding CEA entry: Stasch, Rupert. ‘Tourism’. Cambridge Encyclopedia of Anthropology, November 30, 2017,
R3. Filippucci, P. 2010. ‘In a ruined country: place and the memory of war destruction in Argonne (France).’ In Remembering violence: anthropological perspectives on intergenerational transmission (eds) N. Argenti & K. Schramm, 165-189. Oxford: Berghahn. Corresponding CEA entry: Filippucci, Paola. ‘Landscape’. CEA , 1 September 2016,
R4. Lazar, Sian. 2008. El Alto, Rebel City: Self and Citizenship in Andean Bolivia. Durham: Duke University Press. Corresponding CEA entry: Lazar, Sian. ‘Citizenship’. CEA, 1 September 2016 ,
R5. Englund, H. 2006. Prisoners of freedom: human rights and the African poor. Berkeley: University of California Press. Corresponding CEA entry: Englund, H. ‘Human Rights’. CEA, 1 September 2016
R6. Sneath, David. 2009. ‘Tribe, Ethnos, Nation: Rethinking Evolutionist Social Theory and Representations of Nomadic Inner Asia,’ Forum AI, Ab Imperio, 2009(4):80-109. Corresponding CEA entry: Sneath, David. ‘Tribe’. CEA, 1 September 2016,
R7. Wright, Fiona 2018. The Israeli Radical Left: An Ethics of Complicity (University of Pennsylvania Press, 2018). Corresponding CEA entry: Wright, Fiona. ‘Resistance’. CEA, 6 October 2016 The funding for the CEA was an initial grant from Werner Gren (2016, USD19,812 PI Felix Stein); ESRC Impact acceleration fund (Lazar) GBP13,000. Ongoing funding for the CEA is from departmental donation funds for research, [RG97901 (donation total GBP577,594 Task 2 funds CEA (GBP151,094).]
4. Details of the impact
Since its launch in November 2017, CEA has reached a total of 225,373 readers from 214 countries (unique visitors, or ‘users’, 15/12/2020); with 32,246 of those being repeat users ( E1). We now have an average of 8,589 readers a month, a five-fold increase since November 2018. 32% of our readership comes from outside of North America and Europe; 65% are under 35 (the majority likely being students). 29% of our readership comes from middle or low-income countries (World Bank definition). After the US and UK, the country with the next highest number of readers is India. CEA has 3,304 followers on Twitter (up 69% from 2019), and 1,761 followers on Facebook (up 54% from 2019) ( E1). In September and October 2020, CEA posts on Facebook reached over 50,000 people ( E2), around 4,000 of whom engaged actively (likes, follows, comments). CEA is starting to feature on social media – e.g. in a news story from a Twitter account run for cooperatives, it was added to a Facebook learning resource list by one user, and was described by others as ‘very detailed, well-researched, nuanced, & easy to digest!’, and ‘doing a terrific job’ ( E2).
Impact on access and learning in higher education
As it has grown from 17 to 56 entries, CEA has quickly become a valuable teaching and learning resource for higher education departments globally. As of July 2020, CEA is recommended in more than 20 course outlines in HEIs in the US (U of Austin, Texas; Stanford; Rutgers; U of South Florida; Utah Valley U; Yale; CUNY library and the TriCollege libraries), Canada (Concordia), the UK (UCL; Falmouth), Europe (Wittenberg; Ingoldstadt; Zurich; Delft; Bergen; Oslo; Zagreb), and Israel (Hebrew U) (all in E3) and Vietnam, Argentina , Haiti (State University of Haiti), Mongolia and Egypt (all in E4). An Associate Professor of Anthropology at the University of Oslo said ‘I think it's an excellent, vital educational project and have used it for teaching - as I am sure hundreds of colleagues have done around the world.’; while a Teaching Fellow at UCL described it as ‘a fantastic open-access resource’ especially useful for prospective students ( E5).
Universities outside of Europe have used CEA to build capacity in their anthropology and other social sciences departments. For example, the Deputy Head of the Department of Anthropology at Vietnam National University says that CEA has ‘enormously benefitted’ his students who ‘do not have access to updated and reliable academic works, in the form of printed copies or online materials accessible only through excessively expensive paywalls.’ CEA has also inspired two public anthropology initiatives at Vietnam National University: a YouTube channel and a website run by students ( E4). A Professor in Anthropological Sciences at the University of Buenos Aires finds CEA ‘an especially rich resource’, which she has used in undergraduate and postgraduate teaching and in the design of research projects. She emphasises that the entries are both comprehensive and well structured ( E4). An Assistant Professor of Sociology at the American University of Cairo describes CEA as ‘an invaluable resource for teaching to students from different backgrounds and at different educational levels.’ ( E4)
Impact on access and learning in schools (UK)
In this first phase, CEA has been disseminated and incorporated into secondary and HE outreach education in the UK. It has been shared with the RAI’s list of 131 secondary teachers and the European Association of Social Anthropologists (EASA) Teaching Anthropology Network ( E6). Contact with members of these lists found that CEA is being used to support the teaching of the International Baccalaureate (IB) in Social Anthropology: one Vice-Principal of an IB Sixth-Form college described CEA as ‘reliable, academic, accessible – perfect.’ ( E7) CEA has also been used in the introductory textbook Introducing Anthropology: What Makes Us Human? (Pountney & Maric 2020) ( E3). RAI’s Education and Communications Officer has utilised CEA in her recent creation of the ‘Ethnographic Video Online, Royal Anthropological Institute Teaching Edition’ series of resources ( E6), especially the film ‘Cannibal Tours’, which uses the entry on Tourism (based on Rupert Stasch’s research ( R2)).
The CEA team has developed a resource pack of teaching activities for the IB curriculum, linked to specific entries. These have been shared with IB teachers in the UK, via the Head of Social Anthropology at Hockerill Anglo-European College in Bishop’s Stortford. During a visit there, focus group discussions with 75 students indicated that the CEA was helpful for extended essays and independent ethnographic research projects ( E8). One student commented that the CEA was useful because ‘When you have chosen a topic that you are interested in (…) but you have not come across any anthropology about that topic yet, you don’t know where to start.’ ( E8). In subsequent emails students said that they were highly likely to use the CEA in the future. During the focus groups, Hockerill College’s Head of Social Anthropology noted that the CEA was a welcome addition to available teaching resources because ‘anything that can help teachers to navigate the syllabus will lead to better uptake of the topic.’ ( E8)
Impact on practitioners and professional bodies (UK)
In the UK, CEA has been introduced by the team to approximately 20 different institutions in third-sector organisations and in central government. A Global Programme Advisor at Oxfam international Oxfam confirmed in 2014 their support for the concept of CEA stating that they would welcome a “free and publicly accessible knowledge resource” which offered ‘a reliable knowledge resource about the people and places we work with every day’ ( E9). A Senior Social Researcher from the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs confirms that CEA’s ‘Landscape’ and ‘Ethnography’ entries ‘have been cited in internal evidence products developed by social researchers at DEFRA’ ( E10). CEA was used as a reference resource by the BBC Radio 4 programme, ‘Thinking Allowed’, leading them to invite the author of the entry on ‘Waste’ as a guest on the episode ‘Rummage and Waste’ ( E3).
In addition to all the above, we know that CEA has featured in at least two policy reports (Stripe Partners and The Australian Alliance for Social Enterprise), one funding body report (University Grants Commission India), and seven pieces of public writing or blog posts (Wikipedia entries for ‘ontological turn’ and ‘use of animals in human life’;; Y for Yendetta; Blog of the Biblioteca di Filosofia, Università degli studi di Milano; blog of the Göttinger Instituts für Ethnologie; Ethnologie; International Society for Hunter Gatherer Research) (as of July 2020, listed in E3). Google Scholar lists 251 citations for CEA entries (16/12/2020, E3). We hope to expand this initial outreach in future years, to regions of departmental research expertise, such as Mongolia and China, South America and Southeast Asia.
5. Sources to corroborate the impact
E1. CEA readership report, November 2020 + Google analytics data 15/12/2020
E2. Figures for social media engagement from Hootsuite; examples of user engagement with CEA social media accounts.
E3. Spreadsheet attesting to the incorporation of CEA in policy documentation, course curricula and public writing. July 2020. Google Scholar citations 16/12/2020.
E4. Testimonials from academics in Universities outside of UK.
(Deputy Head, Department of Anthropology, Vietnam National University; Professor in Anthropological Sciences, University of Buenos Aires; Chair of the Masters Programme in Social Anthropology, State University of Haiti; Assistant Professor of Sociology, The American University in Cairo; Associate Professor from the University of Oslo, Department Chair, Department of Anthropology and Archaeology, National University of Mongolia)
E5. Testimonial from a Teaching Fellow at UCL.
E6. Testimonial letter and follow up email from Education and Communication Officer at the Royal Anthropological Institute (RAI).
E7. Responses from schoolteachers contacted via RAI and EASA lists.
E8. Report on focus groups conducted during visit to Hockerill College, September 2020
E9. Testimonial from a Global Programme Advisor at Oxfam International.
E10. Testimonial from Senior Social Researcher at the Department of Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (DEFRA).
Additional contextual information
Grant funding
Grant number | Value of grant |
WUERSHAN | £577,594 |
ES/M500409/1 | £13,000 |
ESRC IAA 2014: LAZAR | £13,000 |
GR. 8166 | £11,564 |