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Impact case study database

The impact case study database allows you to browse and search for impact case studies submitted to the REF 2021. Use the search and filters below to find the impact case studies you are looking for.
Waiting for server

Shaping the domestic low carbon energy transition

1. Summary of the impact

2. Underpinning research

3. References to the research

4. Details of the impact

5. Sources to corroborate the impact

Additional contextual information

Grant funding

Grant number Value of grant
15R18S02455 £8,250,000
15R17S02175 £220,000
TEIF1017017 £81,954
TEIF1017026 £243,825
133489 £52,226
Commercial £20,900
TRN 1396/11/2017   £14,000
Commercial £41,500
Commercial £152,312
Commercial £137,000
132150 £25,000
680658 £120,628
Commercial £65,000
Commercial £132,650
X02398PR £582,408
X02398PR £959,060
KTP007783 £232,315