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Impact case study database

The impact case study database allows you to browse and search for impact case studies submitted to the REF 2021. Use the search and filters below to find the impact case studies you are looking for.
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Satellite data processing and analysis techniques enabled better forecasting for improved drought resilience in Africa

1. Summary of the impact

2. Underpinning research

3. References to the research

4. Details of the impact

5. Sources to corroborate the impact

Additional contextual information

Grant funding

Grant number Value of grant
PPA/G/S/2002/00481 £148,435
PP/B501063/1 £112,351
ST/F002858/1 £1,935,273
ST/I000976/1 £2,337,619
ST/L000652/1 £1,355,893
FP7-SPACE-2013-1 GA 607254 £1,904,480
PP/C502214/1 £143,987
ST/K002279/1 £48,455
ST/R004811/1 £100,462
ST/R004811/1 £15,000
PO 4070233825 £70,000
Invoice Quote P £50,000
Science And Technology Facilities Council £110,853