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- The University of Westminster
- 11 - Computer Science and Informatics
- Submitting institution
- The University of Westminster
- Unit of assessment
- 11 - Computer Science and Informatics
- Summary impact type
- Technological
- Is this case study continued from a case study submitted in 2014?
- No
1. Summary of the impact
The impacts are generated via a set of novel and innovative technologies, called the CloudSME Simulation Platform (CSSP), the CloudiFacturing Platform (CFGP) and MiCADO, which were invented and developed across a string of European projects. Prof Kiss and his team was the lead partner driving the conceptualisation and implementation of CSSP and MiCADO, and they contributed significantly (overall concept and 2 out of 5 platform components) to CFGP.
CSSP/CFGP has enabled 86 SMEs (small and medium sized enterprises) from over 20 European countries to generate an estimated cumulative turnover increase of 100 million Euros, approximately 550 new products or services, 650 new jobs, and 1,100 new business/commercial partners or customers by the end of 2020.
CloudSME UG, a for-profit start-up company through which CSSP/CFGP and their MiCADO extension are primarily marketed, reported EUR 222,701 turnover in 2019, with 39,823 annual profit.
Public sector organisations have also benefitted from the CSSP coupled with MiCADO. The local government of the Aragon region of Spain reported higher satisfaction towards government services, and [text removed for publication] (UK) estimated gains including 100 (10%) new business partners/customers, 212K Euros (7.5%) increase in turnover, 20% more efficient business processes, and 50% reduction in time to market by July 2019.
2. Underpinning research
CSSP/CFGP is a combination of novel and innovative technologies directly brought about by the Centre for Parallel Computing (CPC) team at the University of Westminster between 2005 and 2020, based on the following major research findings.
Science gateways for interoperable grid and cloud infrastructures ( Kiss, Terstyanszky):
CSSP/CFGP originates in WS-PGRADE/gUSE [1], an open source science gateway framework (an interface for those who want to use grid and cloud infrastructures). WS-PGRADE/gUSE is the outcome of five FP7 European projects between 2008 and 2014 that were either led by, or featured significant contributions from, the CPC team. The main contribution of the CPC was to extend the framework to provide interoperability for applications, data and workflows, as evidenced in [1]. WS-PGRADE/gUSE was originally intended for academic users and grid computing platforms. However, with significant contribution from CPC within the SCI-BUS (Scientific Gateway-based User Support) project, the gateway framework was integrated with the commercial CloudBroker platform so industry applications could be run on a variety of cloud computing resources.
Generic cloud-based simulation platform for industry ( Kiss, Terstyanszky, Michalas):
The next stage of research, when the above commercial application came to be known as the CSSP [2] [3], was undertaken via the CloudSME (Cloud-based Simulation Platform for Manufacturing and Engineering) project that was led and coordinated by Westminster’s CPC ( Kiss). CSSP was specifically tailored to support large-scale industry simulations on cloud resources, especially within the manufacturing / engineering sector. CSSP specifically enables SMEs to use state of the art simulation technology in a cost-efficient way.
To further enhance CSSP, research and development activities were funded by the H2020 CloudiFacturing (Cloudification of Production Engineering for Predictive Digital Manufacturing) project. The outcome of this research is the CloudiFacturing Platform (CFGP); a new and enhanced version of CSSP. CFGP supports the dynamic combination of workflows and features a newly developed service model for SMEs in the form of a dedicated Digital Marketplace. The CPC team was responsible for the development of its executable artefact (workflow and application) repository ( Terstyanszky) and security framework ( Michalas). Additionally, development of the workflow execution and data transfer components were strongly influenced by the work of the CPC from past EU projects ( SHIWA (2010-2012), ER-FLOW (2012-2014) ( Kiss, Terstyanszky).
Innovative cloud-based business models ( Kiss, Dagdeviren):
In order to further facilitate the industrial take-up of CSSP, further research was carried out in the area of cloud-based business models, with particular focus on the application of such business models for large scale simulations in manufacturing [4]. These business models enable software vendors to efficiently sell simulation services to manufacturing end-users using a cloud-based service provision model.
Application-level cloud orchestration ( Kiss, Terstyanszky, Michalas, Pierantoni):
As part of the H2020 European COLA (Cloud Orchestration at the Level of Application) project, led by CPC ( Kiss), the CSSP has been further extended with a secure cloud orchestration framework called MiCADO [5]. MiCADO is an external service to the CSSP and allows for various services connected within the cloud to utilise the optimal amount of resources, thus boosting the efficiency of cloud-based applications. The framework enables companies to run applications on various heterogeneous clouds and to define highly flexible scaling and security policies that govern the execution of their applications [6].
3. References to the research
[1] Peter Kacsuk, Tamas Kiss, Gergely Sipos: Solving the Grid Interoperability Problem by P-GRADE Portal at Workflow Level, Future Generation Computing Systems, Volume 24, Issue 7, July 2008, pp 744-751
[2] Simon JE Taylor, Tamas Kiss, Anastasia Anagnostou, Gabor Terstyanszky, Peter Kacsuk, Joris Costes, Nicola Fantini: The CloudSME Simulation Platform and its Applications: A Generic Multi-cloud Platform for Developing and Executing Commercial Cloud-based Simulations, in Future Generation Computing Systems, Volume 88, November 2018, pp 524- 539
[3] Simon JE Taylor, Anastasia Anagnostou, Tamas Kiss, Gabor Terstyanszky, Peter Kacsuk, Nicola Fantini, Djamel Lakehal, Joris Costes: Enabling Cloud-based Computational Fluid Dynamics with a Platform as a Service Solution, in IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, Volume 15, Issue 1, January 2019, pp 85-94
[4] Tamas Kiss, Huseyin Dagdeviren, Simon J E Taylor, Anatasia Anagnostou, Nicola Fantini, Business Models for Cloud Computing: Experiences from Developing Modeling & Simulation as a Service Applications in Industry, Proceedings of the 2015 Winter Simulation Conference, L. Yilmaz, W. K. V. Chan, I. Moon, T. M. K. Roeder, C. Macal, and M. D. Rossetti, eds., 2015, pp 2656-2667, ISBN: 978-1-4673-9741-4, IEEE Press.
[5] Tamas Kiss, Peter Kacsuk, Jozsef Kovacs, Botond Rakoczi, Akos Hajnal, Attila Farkas, Gregoire Gesmier, Gabor Terstyanszky: MiCADO–Microservice-based Cloud Application-level Dynamic Orchestrator, in Future Generation Computing Systems, Volume 95, May 2019, pp 937 – 946
[6] Gabriele Pierantoni, Tamas Kiss, Gabor Terstyanszky, James Deslauriers, Gregoire Gesmier, Hai-Van Dang: Describing and Processing Topology and Quality of Service Parameters of Applications in the Cloud, in Journal of Grid Computing, Volume 18, June 2020. pp 761–778
Grants awarded:
SCI-BUS (EU FP7), 01 October 2011 - 30 September 2014, All: £3,125,000, CPC: £280,000 [1]
CloudSME (EU FP7), 01 July 2013 - 31 March 2016, All: £3,750,000; CPC: £540,000 [2] [3] [4]
COLA (EU H2020), 01 January 2017 - 30 June 2019, All: £3,000,000; CPC: £726,000 [2] [5] [6]
CloudiFacturing (EU H2020), 1 October 2017 - 31 March 2021 All: £7,250,000; CPC: £620,000 [2]
ASCLEPIOS (EU H2020), 1 Dec. 2018 - 30 Nov. 2021 All: £4,040,000; CPC: £470,000 [6]
DIGITbrain (EU H2020), 1 July 2020 - 31 December 2023, All: £7,600,000; CPC: £360,000 [5] [6]
CO-VERSATILE (EU H2020), 1 Nov. 2020 - 31 Oct. 2022 All: £4,900,000; CPC: £300,000 [5] [6]
4. Details of the impact
Simulation and optimisation can significantly improve the competitive position of companies and public sector organisations by reducing their costs as a result of more efficient development, production, procurement, logistics or financial processes. However, the take up of simulation / optimisation software by SMEs and the public sector has been low due to barriers of entry such as hardware prices, licensing costs and required technical expertise. With Prof Kiss and his team leading the research and technical development efforts, CSSP/CFGP, combined with MiCADO, proved efficient to overcome these barriers and has since generated significant economic impact and further efficiency gains for a large number of organisations in Europe.
Impact on SME clients:
By April 2020, 86 SMEs from over 20 European countries – manufacturing, engineering and technology companies that participated in the CloudSME, COLA and CloudiFacturing projects as beneficiaries or as Third Parties – reported the following estimated economic impact as a direct result of applying either CSSP or CFGP, in tandem with the MiCADO secure autoscaling framework: a cumulative yearly turnover increase of over 100 million Euros, the development of over 550 new / enhanced products or services, contribution to the creation of 650 new jobs, and the establishment of 1,100 new business/commercial partners or customers. This economic impact occurred between 2015 and 2020.
These figures are evidenced in the official project reports/deliverables of the CloudSME, COLA, and CloudiFacturing projects that were provided by executives of the participating companies and approved by the European Commission [a, b, c, d]. This approval affirms the credibility and accuracy of the forecasted economic growth by these 86 companies, as attributable to the CPC’s research across these three projects. Figures 1, 2 and 3, on pages 4 and 5 below, summarise the above detailed numbers.
Figure 1 summarises the impact of CSSP on 24 companies within the CloudSME project. Figure 2 provides details of the economic impact of utilising MiCADO with the CSSP by 10 companies within COLA. Figure 3 encompasses the impact of the CFGP on 52 companies that were supported in three waves during the CloudiFacturing project (please note that due to the very large number of companies, only cumulative figures are shown here, details are available in [c,d]).
Additionally, these companies reported improved business processes, improved business practices, reduction in time to market, and improved customer satisfaction. Two online videos made by Hobsons Brewery [e], a UK-based craft-brewer, and Podoactiva [f], a Spanish manufacturer of tailored foot insoles, provide narrative accounts detailing these impacts.
Beyond the directly reported figures, it is also important to note that significant economic impact has been generated for the clients of the directly supported / involved companies, across a wide range of sectors. For instance, the Managing Director of Saker Solutions, which provides “ a range of 3D simulation and modelling services” to clients within industrial and commercial sectors and is one of the 86 SMEs mentioned above, states the company itself benefitted from “ an increase in turnover of at least £200k pa since 2014 which has allowed us to employ additional staff” and also estimates that “over the last 7 years we have generated some £2 to £3 million of benefit” for their clients: “Primarily this benefit would be in the Nuclear sector but savings will have also been generated within Manufacturing, Defence and Retail” [g]. He concludes that: “ Overall, Prof Kiss has had a major impact on our company” [g].
Impact on CloudSME UG; the commercial service provider:
CSSP/CFGP is primarily marketed and provided by CloudSME UG, a for-profit start-up company that also offers related expertise and consultancy to clients. Established in January 2016, the company’s profits have substantially grown through its continued collaboration with the Westminster researchers, as the Managing Partner confirms: “the product and service portfolio offered by CloudSME UG is based and heavily relying on novel and innovative technologies that were invented, designed and implemented by Prof. Kiss and the Centre for Parallel Computing research team” [h]. The technological and research contribution of the CPC in the creation of CSSP was also acknowledged via the appointment of Kiss as the Chair of the Scientific Advisory Board of the company. In this unpaid role, Kiss acts as their main scientific and technology consultant and helps to define their current and future direction. The company made steady growth on the market between 2016 and 2020 by securing and successfully delivering its commercial contracts. As a result of utilising the CSSP, CloudSME reported 222,701 Euros turnover in 2019, with 39,823 Euros annual profit [h].
As CloudSME’s CEO states, since July 2019, “ the product portfolio of my company [CloudSME] has been further extended and we are now offering fully managed professional cloud-based services utilising MiCADO” [h]. As part of this activity German Data Center HKN, their business partner, is offering fully managed enterprise data clusters based on MiCADO. CloudSME expects an additional contribution of 387,030 Euros to its turnover by the end of 2020 as a direct result of commercialising MiCADO, as evidenced in document [i].
Impact on Government and Charity Sectors:
Within the COLA project public sector organisations, namely the Aragon Local Government (ALG) in Spain and [text removed for publication], a charity organisation funded by the UK Arts Council, have also benefitted from the CSSP coupled with MiCADO [b]. These organisations run data intensive web applications for which resources are managed and optimised by MiCADO.
Applications offered by ALG via its public company SARGA – which “ acts as manager of all public infrastructures and services related to agriculture and environment” – utilise the CSSP and MiCADO, and the technical solutions provided by the CPC team “ *have improved the recommendation engines of the Aragón Government in order to provide better services to the people of Aragón and to result in higher general satisfaction within the people of the region” [j]. SARGA and ALG representatives specify that: “ Based on the technical solution invented and developed by Prof Kiss and his team, the operational organization of our IT infrastructure have improved significantly” such that *“we have achieved more efficient processes related to software development and public services delivery” [j].
By July 2019, [text removed for publication] had achieved an estimated increase of 100 (10%) new business partners/customers, 212K Euros (7.5%) increase in turnover, 20% more efficient business processes, 3% increase in employment, 50% reduction in time to market, 10% increase in customer satisfaction, and 4 (15%) new service offerings as a result of applying MiCADO [b]. The company’s planned exploitation of CSSP and MICADO is expected to have increased, by Jan 2022, to 200 (20%) new business partners/customers, 1.35 million Euros (15%) increase in turnover, 30% more efficient business processes, 6% increase in employment, 50% reduction in time to market, 30% increase in customer satisfaction, and 8 (30%) new service offerings, as a result of applying CSSP and MiCADO [b].
Figure 1 - Reported impact figures by 24 companies in CloudSME on 31/03/2016
Figure 2 - Reported impact figures by 14 partners (10 companies) in COLA on 31/08/2018
Figure 3 - Reported cumulative impact figures by 52 companies in CloudiFacturing on 31/03/2019
5. Sources to corroborate the impact
[a] CloudSME deliverable D4.6 IPR management/monitoring and exploitation/use 2, 31st March 2016, submitted by the CloudSME project to the European Commission, pages 13-21 containing exact impact figures of participating companies.
[b] COLA deliverable D3.1 First commercial exploitation and sustainability report, 21st December 2017, submitted by the COLA project to the European Commission, pages 30-33 containing exact impact figures of participating companies
[c] CloudiFacturing deliverable D7.2 First Report on Dissemination, Commercial Exploitation and Sustainability, submitted by the CloudiFactoring project to the European Commission, pages 22-24 containing exact impact figures of participating companies.
[d] CloudiFacturing deliverable D7.3 Second Report on Dissemination, Commercial Exploitation and Sustainability, submitted by the CloudiFactoring project to the European Commission, pages 32-35 containing exact impact figures of participating companies.
[e] Impact video by Hobsons Brewery and Company Limited. 23/09/2015
[f] Impact video by Podoactiva SL. 16/05/2017.
[g] Testimony from the Managing Director of Saker Solutions Limited.
[h] Testimony from CloudSME Managing Partner / CEO
[i] COLA deliverable D3.3 Final commercial exploitation and sustainability report, 30th September 2019, submitted by the COLA project to the European Commission, page 24 containing forecasts by CloudSME UG regarding the expected utilisation of MiCADO for 2019-2021.
[j] Testimony from the responsible Project Manager at SARGA and the Head of Design and Development at the Government of Aragon.
- Submitting institution
- The University of Westminster
- Unit of assessment
- 11 - Computer Science and Informatics
- Summary impact type
- Technological
- Is this case study continued from a case study submitted in 2014?
- No
1. Summary of the impact
Vladimir Getov’s pioneering research on message passing for Java (MPJ) provided a crucially important framework and programming environment for parallel and distributed computing with Java. This invention resulted in an industry standard specification and a novel MPJ-based hierarchical development methodology for a new generation of large-scale grid and cloud-based distributed systems. These achievements led to:
Impact on Professional Practice: Getov’s MPJ specification provided the foundations for the Java binding in Open MPI (message passing interface) – the most popular worldwide open-source library, which provides easy access to this binding for application programmers.
Economic Impacts: IBM’s biometric identification system, built in collaboration with Getov and using the MPJ framework, has had significant economic impact for IBM via the quicker return of investment achieved by its higher productivity and shorter development cycle. The adoption of Getov’s MPJ development methodology by ActiveEon has also seen the company demonstrate significant revenue growth (18M USD across the REF period).
Social Impacts: IBM Watson’s development was based on Getov’s component composition message passing approach and has demonstrable benefits in the areas of social services, environmental protection, and public safety. ActiveEon’s use of Getov’s MPJ development methodology in their ProActive workflow and scheduling framework has had significant benefits in biomedical distributed applications.
2. Underpinning research
Released in 1995, the Java programming language was rapidly adopted by industry and end users because of its portability and internet programming support. However, Java did not have the symmetric message passing capability, widely recognised as vitally important for parallel and distributed memory computing. By contrast, efficient message passing support had already been captured in the MPI standard for other programming languages such as C, C++, and Fortran.
Professor Vladimir Getov identified this weakness and conducted pioneering research and development on MPJ which has been a main area of focus for the Distributed and Intelligent Systems Research Group (DIS RG) at the University of Westminster since the late 90s. This research team comprises: Professor V. Getov, Dr A. Bolotov, Dr S. Isaiadis, Dr S. Minchev, Dr T. Weigold, Dr A. Basukoski, Dr J. Thiyagalingam, and Dr A. Basso. The early success of DIS RG attracted high international interest and the creation of the International MPJ Working Group with participation from the UK, USA, Europe, and Japan.
Chaired by Vladimir Getov, the MPJ Working Group developed a methodology for building mixed-language MPJ applications which evolved from three approaches: (a) wrapping of existing MPI libraries via hand-written software; (b) automatic code generation of the wrapper interface by a novel tool-generator; and (c) development from scratch of the MPI libraries in Java. Getov has participated in the development of all three approaches by implementing the MPJ specification and ensuring full compatibility with the already existing and very successful MPI standard. The MPJ results successfully resembled MPI, providing symmetric message passing for distributed computing with Java leading to its adoption by the professional community [1].
This working group was then invited to join the Global Grid Forum (an international professional organisation focusing on grid and cloud computing) where Getov furthered this research by expanding the application of MPJ into modern large-scale distributed systems such as grids and clouds, both of which allow for the analysis of huge data sets. Tackling the scalability and productivity challenges, Getov and colleagues formally specified building blocks called “components” and introduced component-based approaches that enabled MPJ to provide the interconnection mechanisms in complex grid and cloud systems [2].
Continuing work in this area, the next main research challenge was to replace the Common Component Architecture (CCA) model. Available in early 2000, the CCA provided only limited support for a single coupling of components in a 2-dimensional space. Getov’s innovation was to develop a novel abstract approach for hierarchical (multiple) composition of components in a 3-dimensional space. Further, Getov invented a novel MPJ-based hierarchical components composition development methodology for a new generation of large-scale grid and cloud-based distributed systems. This provided the theoretical background for a recursive and efficient component-based development methodology. The combination of these research contributions to the European CoreGRID project significantly advanced this new field through Getov’s development of the hierarchical Grid Component Model (GCM) specification for various distributed computing systems [3]. Together with his DIS RG team, Getov followed up the GCM specification with proof-of-concept experiments in a development environment that used the hierarchical components MPJ methodology and provided confidence about the higher efficiency of this novel approach [4].
Building on this work, the DIS RG team, led by Getov, was a main partner in the European GridComp project. Working in close collaboration with other partners including INRIA Sophia Antipolis (France), IBM-Research (Switzerland), Atos Origin (Spain), University of Pisa (Italy), and Tsinghua University (China), the GridComp project designed and built a fully functional platform incorporating the ICBE (Integrated Component-Based Environment) prototype for hierarchical components composition [5]. A major contribution of GridComp was the design and implementation of a component based MPJ framework for rapid development and deployment of efficient grid and cloud computing applications. This work led to four new international standards, approved by ETSI (European Telecommunications Standards Institute): "GCM Interoperability Deployment", Aug 2008; "GCM Interoperability Application Description", Aug 2008; “GCM Fractal ADL”, Mar 2009; “GCM Management API (Java, C, WSDL)”, Mar 2010.
Further results on smart cloud architectures followed the expanded ICBE methodology, which included three approaches for developing GCM applications [6]. Getov contributed significantly to each: The first, a wrapper approach for legacy codes reuse, supports both hand-written and automatically generated code. The second approach componentises existing applications via appropriate modifications. The third approach is component-based development from scratch. This work confirmed the significantly higher productivity of the component-based MPJ development methodology.
3. References to the research
B. Carpenter, V. Getov, G. Judd, A. Skjellum, G. Fox. 2000. MPJ: MPI-like Message Passing for Java, Concurrency: Practice and Experience, vol. 12 (11), pp. 1019-1038. DOI: 10.1002/1096-9128(200009)12:11<1019::AID-CPE518>3.0.CO;2-G
V. Getov, G. von Laszewski, M. Philippsen, I. Foster. 2001. Multi-Paradigm Communications in Java for Grid Computing, Communications of the ACM, vol. 44(10), pp. 118-125. DOI: 10.1145/383845.383872
F. Baude, D. Caromel, C. Dalmasso, M. Danelutto, V. Getov, L. Henrio, C. Pérez. 2009. GCM: A Grid Extension to Fractal for Autonomous Distributed Components, Annals of Telecommunications, vol. 64(1-2), pp. 5-24. DOI: 10.1007/s12243-008-0068-8
A. Basukoski, V. Getov, J. Thiyagalingam, S. Isaiadis. 2008. Component-Based Development Environment for Grid Systems: Design and Implementation, In: Making Grids Work, Springer, pp. 119-128. DOI: 10.1007/978-0-387-78448-9_9
T. Weigold, M. Aldinucci, M. Danelutto, V. Getov. 2012. Process-Driven Biometric Identification by means of Autonomic Grid Components, Int. J. of Autonomous and Adaptive Communications Systems, vol. 5(3), pp. 274-291. DOI: 10.1504/IJAACS.2012.047659
V. Getov. 2011. Component-Oriented Approaches for Software Development in the Extreme-Scale Computing Era, In: High Performance Computing: From Grids and Clouds to Exascale, IOS Press, pp. 141-156. DOI: 10.3233/978-1-60750-803-8-141
Funding in GBP (selected):
CoreGrid: Software Infrastructures and Applications for Large-scale Distributed, Grid and Peer-to-Peer Technologies, 224,000 (Total consortium grant 7.4 M)
Research Fellowship, European Commission, 14,100.
Visiting Lab Fellow, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, 37,200.
GridComp: Grid Programming with COMPonents, 320,000 (Total consortium grant 2.7 M)
Smart Cloud Infrastructures – IBM Faculty Award, 10,000.
ComplexHPC: High Performance Computing in Complex Environments, 16,710 (Total consortium grant 470 K)
4. Details of the impact
Impact 1: Professional Practice - Open Source and Standardisation
Since August 2014, the MPJ specification has been included in the core distribution of the widely used Open MPI (Open-Source Message Passing Interface) software environment. Developed and maintained by a consortium of research, academic, and industry partners, Open MPI is a suite of open-source software libraries implementing the MPI standard for High Performance Computing (HPC) [a-i]. The Java binding developed in Open MPI is based on the ground-breaking results of the International MPJ Working Group chaired by Vladimir Getov (output [1]) and incorporate the four ETSI standards that resulted from the GridComp project (outputs [4], [5] and [6]). The Open MPI team have highlighted that these ‘standardized classes’ of Java are of benefit to an open-source library as they ‘provide a platform-independent way to access host-specific features such as threads, graphics, file management, and networking’ [a-ii, p.4 & 2]. In other words, these standardised classes guarantee full compatibility and portability across a wide variety of platforms and applications.
In recent years, Open MPI has become the most popular MPI library, as is evidenced by the MPI International Survey, which received over 800 user responses from 42 different countries between Feb & July 2019 [a-iii, p.1]. Of the MPI users identified, 85.8% (718 respondents) use Open MPI [a-iv]. As such, through its inclusion in this open-source library, MPJ has been reaching a wide range of users, 80% of which belong to non-profit organisations, including government institutes, as well as software and hardware vendors, with the use of Java being especially popular in the UK and Russia [a-i, p.13 & 16].
Regarding the significance of this wide range of users, the Open MPI team explain that MPJ was added as it is one of the three key parallel computing technologies upon which HPC depends and has several benefits. For instance, it ‘provides efficient built-in support for threads’ which increases the software development productivity. In addition, ‘some numerical libraries are based on multithreading’ and MPI itself ‘can benefit from Java because its widespread use makes it likely to find new uses beyond traditional HPC applications’ [a-ii, p.1-2]. As such the primary impact on professional practice relates to providing easy access to Java binding for programmers who can exploit these benefits (output [2]). Secondary impacts arise through specific examples of such usage of MPJ via Open MPI. For instance, the PPF library for parallel particle filtering applications allows application programmers to write quickly and easily shared- and distributed-memory PPF codes in Java [a-v], producing the benefit of ‘ reducing the cost of traditional particle filters by approximating the likelihood with a mixture of uniform distributions over pre-defined cells or bins.’
Impact 2. Economic Impact
An example of the significant economic impact on users of Prof Getov’s innovative component based MPJ development methodology is its contribution to ‘the long-term research and development collaboration for IBM’s Cloud Computing agenda and strategy’, through knowledge exchange activities at IBM Research Centers in Zurich, Almaden, Watson, and Dublin, as well as direct collaborative research [b]. Dr Peter Buhler, Head of Computer Science at the Zurich Laboratory states that this has resulted in their ‘using and developing further the adopted component-based methodology and development platform which has [in turn] influenced the professional practice in building complex applications for grid and cloud systems’ at IBM [b].
For instance, Buhler [b] confirms that IBM Watson was ‘designed by reusing the principles developed and standardized by the European Telecommunications Standards Institute as part of Vladimir Getov’s work’ (output [5]). This supercomputer is a unique artificial intelligence system capable of answering questions posed in natural language and its economic significance to IBM is indicated by its global market share of 16.1% placing it amongst the three dominant systems in the Machine Learning category [d-i]. IBM Watson has been used by nearly 2,800 companies as of July 2020 due to its usefulness across a variety of application domains. Statistics by revenue show that 39% of Watson users are large companies (>$1000M), 37% are small (<$50M), and 16% are medium-sized, and that they cut across different sectors of industry – the largest being Computer Software (22%), Hospital & Health Care (14%), Higher Education (8%), and Information Technology and Services (7%) [d-i].
Buhler also cites ‘the Biometric Identification System application developed in collaboration with Vladimir’s DIS RG team and delivered by IBM Research – Zurich Laboratory’ (Fig. 1), as having a ‘significant economic impact’ through its producing ‘quicker return on investment […] achieved because of the much higher productivity and shorter development cycle provided by the invented component-based methodology and development process’ [b]. This biometric identification system contributes to the Global Technology Services segment of IBM’s business, which in 2019 comprised the largest share of IBM's total revenue at nearly 36% ($27.4 billion) [c-ii]. The use of Getov’s component based MPJ framework provided ‘pre-built template components’ from which a system can be built that ‘guarantee[d] real-time biometric identification functionality over a very large, constantly growing database of enrolled identities (fingerprints)’ [b]. Furthermore, Getov’s ICBE (outputs [4], [5] and [6]) ‘has been instrumental in continuously monitoring and maintaining the system’ [b], which has been a significant aspect of IBM’s commercial offering to corporations and governments [c-i].
Fig. 1: Security Biometric Identification System [c-iii]
Another company that has economically benefitted from Getov’s innovative component-based MPJ methodology, as well as the underpinning ETSI standards, is ActiveEon – a France-based software company that provides innovative open-source solutions for IT automation, acceleration and scalability, big data, distributed computing and application orchestration. During the GridCOMP project (06/2006 – 02/2009), Getov and colleagues had initially demonstrated the usefulness of the component based MPJ development methodology to industry by using it to wrap and Grid-enable aerodynamic wing modelling software at ActiveEon, and to prove the integration of data staging for the input and output files into this sweeping / optimisation process for any given configuration.
As Prof Denis Caromel, CEO of ActiveEon, states, since then the company ‘has been directly exploiting the results of the project, including the GCM and MPJ framework (output [3]), particularly in its ProActive workflows and scheduling open-source middleware which has been used for delivering solutions for a range of commercial customers’ [e-i]. Caromel further specifies the economic impact of this adoption of Getov’s innovations: ‘over the years since August 2013, ActiveEon has achieved revenue growth of 18M USD starting with less than 1M USD in 2013 and reaching revenue of 19M USD in 2020. Our number of employees has been increasing significantly over the same period from 30 employees at the end of 2013 to 106 employees in 2020. Those successful results would not have been possible without Professor Getov’s direct contribution to the component based MPJ development methodology and ETSI standards adopted and used by ActiveEon throughout the 13 years of its existence. His work has reduced substantially the return of investment cycle of complex distributed applications’ [e-i].
Impact 3. Social Impact
Beyond the significant economic impact Vladimir Getov has made with his contributions, Buhler explains that ‘[t]he technical advancements he [Getov] has invented and co-invented are the basis for many Web-scale applications we have at our fingertips today’, creating a ‘resulting impact on the society’ [b]. IBM specify three key social impacts of their cognitive technology in lengthy case studies featuring real-world usage of the IBM Watson supercomputer that would not exist without Getov’s research [d-ii to d-iv]. The areas of interventions listed below provide typical examples:
Transforming social services by providing ‘easier-to-access, more personalized services [that] can help individuals at risk better manage their own well-being, getting the right support when they need it’ [d-ii]. A specific use case is ‘Aspiranet, which currently serves 22,000 youth and families across California, [and] is using natural language inquiry of unstructured data to help youth transition from foster home care to living on their own’; their CEO confirms ‘cognitive technology helps free up caseworkers’ time, enabling them to focus on what matters most, human connection’ [d-ii]. This is a significant impact given that in the ‘United States, social worker turnover is as high as 90 percent per year, with heavy workloads, including paperwork, as a major contributing factor’ [d-ii].
Providing environmental protections: IBM gives the example of their work with the Beijing Environmental Protection Bureau to reduce air pollution in China (the cause of more than one million premature deaths per year) via the 2014 Green Horizons initiative, which ‘addresses these challenges by using advanced machine learning to identify smaller sections of the city that are at risk. Along with trade-off analyses, this enables more targeted mitigation actions, such as shutting down targeted industries, while minimizing socioeconomic disruptions’ [d-iii].
Enhancing public safety: IBM gives the example of how they used Watson to anticipate and respond to the Oct 2015 Hurricane Patricia (one of the strongest storms ever recorded): ‘weather prediction models based on artificial intelligence (AI) provided advanced warning to an IBM production center in Guadalajara. The system had analyzed huge volumes of disparate information, including weather data, social feeds and news reports to get a comprehensive view of the storm's trajectory. […] Early warning gave site officials the crucial time they needed to act’ and they ‘opted to evacuate the site as a precautionary measure’ [d-iv].
Another example of social impacts that have been created through the adoption of Getov’s innovations is found in the work of ActiveEon. As mentioned earlier, ActiveEon has used Getov’s component based MPJ development methodology in their ProActive Workflows & Scheduling software which incorporates dynamic and autonomous workload allocation to an elastic pool of resources using multi-language software components within the HPC cloud-based workflows [e-i] [e-ii, p.30]. Among a range of case studies demonstrating usage of this software across sectors including mining, satellite technology, visa processing, and solvency solutions [e-iii], is its use for microbiome analytics orchestration [e-iv, p.18-20]. The enabling of microbiome analytics orchestration at this scale is of significant benefit to the biomedical field as microbiome innovation encompasses pharmaceutical applications such as personalised medicine and nutrition, identification of the impact of drugs on the gut microbiome, and identification of bacterial biomarkers associated with dysbiosis (microbial imbalance) [e-iv, p.8].
5. Sources to corroborate the impact
[a] (i) Open MPI: Open Source High Performance Computing [ site] (ii) O. Vega-Gisbert et al. 2016. Design and implementation of Java bindings in Open MPI. Parallel Computing 59: 1–20 [ link] (iii) A Report of MPI International Survey, EuroMPI/USA, 2020 (iv) MPI International Survey, March 2019 [ link] (v) PPF Library [ link]
[b] Dr Peter Buhler, Distinguished research staff member and Head of the Computer Science Department at the IBM Research Lab – Zurich; testimonial letter [PDF]
[c] (i) IBM Identity and Access Management [ site] (ii) IBM revenue sources [ link] (iii) GridCOMP, ‘Advanced Grid/Cloud Programming with Components: A Biometric Identification Case Study’
[d] (i) Companies using IBM Watson, enlyft data analysis [ link]; Social Impacts of IBM Watson: (ii) Social services [ Link], (iii) Environment [ link], (iv) Public safety [ link]
[e] (i) Prof Denis Caromel, founder and CEO of ActiveEon – testimonial letter [PDF] (ii) ActiveEon’s ProActive Workflows: from HPC to Data Analytics to Machine Learning [ link] (iii) ActiveEon use cases [ link] (iv) Microbiome Analytics: Machine Learning ActiveEon Orchestration On-Prem and On-Clouds [ link]
- Submitting institution
- The University of Westminster
- Unit of assessment
- 11 - Computer Science and Informatics
- Summary impact type
- Technological
- Is this case study continued from a case study submitted in 2014?
- No
1. Summary of the impact
The research presented in this case study has impacted the practice of a number of organisations seeking to optimise the quality of image/video capture and processing:
Transport for London adopted a standardised approach to setting CCTV recording compression levels on the London bus network, resulting in optimised quality recordings for use in police investigations.
Spectral Edge, a UK start-up company, changed its practice by adapting the methodology and data from the above project, resulting in the enhancement of the quality of their surveillance and security products and its subsequent acquisition by Apple Inc.
Huawei Ltd, China, streamlined its research and development methods for quantifying phone camera quality, facilitating the development of cost-effective camera systems that retain excellent image quality.
2. Underpinning research
The research of Prof Triantaphillidou, Prof Jarvis and Dr Psarrou focuses on the quantification and optimisation of image and video quality, achieved by investigating the interrelationships between visual perception, camera physics and image signal processing (ISP). The Westminster team’s interdisciplinary expertise (combining physics, engineering, computing, visual science and psychometrics) makes their research unique in this field.
Research carried out during a project led by Triantaphillidou and funded by the UK Home Office identified for the first time lower end limits of video compression that would allow for successful face identification for policing purposes [1,2]. Rigorous methodologies were pursued for the recording of suitable CCTV footage to bus environments. Large amounts of visual image data were collected from expert and non-expert user groups (CCTV analysts, police officers, public) and subsequently analysed with high accuracy. The research was significant because it accounted for a broad range of image contents that are affected differently by video compression – skin colours, facial proximity, the angle of the face to the camera, and a number of different illumination conditions – and thus resulted in the researchers formulating video compression limits that were adjustable and relevant to the different bus scenarios and conditions.
Another strand of research undertaken by Triantaphillidou’s team innovated the measurement of human vision and subsequently developed human vision models that are more suitable than traditional models for use in imaging system design and applications. Aspects of the human visual system, such as visual acuity (concerned with sharpness/blur) and sensitivity to different visual frequency ranges, are traditionally measured from viewing designated test charts (e.g. optometrists’ letter charts, Gabor and sinusoidal functions). Although such test charts are well established and are universally employed, they do not provide a full account of the visual ability of humans, which, in ordinary seeing, changes in accordance with different levels of local image contrast and complexity. Over the course of a 4-year project funded by the UK’s Ministry of Defence (MoD) that combined human vision modelling, image signal processing and image psychophysics, the research team developed and applied a novel experimental method for measuring human vision in relation to shape, form and detail, by replacing relevant charts with digital images depicting natural scenes. Thousands of hours of observations and rigorous analysis returned results that allowed the team to successfully modify and subsequently validate prevailing mechanistic visual models [3,4].
The resulting models better reflect the complexity of the human vision workings when viewing images, thus making them more relevant to the design of imaging products and solutions that produce visual outputs (e.g. digital cameras, laptop, tablet screens). This was further demonstrated when the team sought to predict and enable the optimisation of the visual image quality of mobile phone cameras, via a highly productive 6-month research contract with Huawei Ltd., China [5].
The project investigated the relationship between camera sensor resolution (pixel numbers) and visual image quality, as displayed in high quality desktops and in handheld displays and perceived by the observers at relevant viewing distances. Large amounts of visual data were again collected, under strictly calibrated viewing conditions, and analysed using a variety of psychometric methods (image paired comparisons, star rating test, and acceptable/unacceptable quality tests) and relevant analysis techniques, which allowed results from different experiments to be mapped in a novel manner [6]. The research was significant because it demonstrated the extent to which higher camera sensor resolutions benefit image quality, and how optimum camera resolution is intrinsically related to the resolution characteristics of the display devices used for image viewing. The novel analysis of the research results was subsequently adopted by Huawei’s camera evaluation R&D team, as described below.
3. References to the research
A. Tsifouti, S. Triantaphillidou, E. Bilissi, M.C. Larabi, Acceptable bit-rates for human face identification from CCTV imagery, Proc. SPIE. 8653 ( 2013)
A. Tsifouti, S. Triantaphillidou, M.C. Larabi, E. Bilissi, and A. Psarrou, A case study in identifying acceptable bitrates for human face recognition tasks, Signal Processing: Image Communication, 36,14–28 ( 2015).
S. Triantaphillidou, J. Jarvis, G. Gupta, Spatial contrast sensitivity and discrimination in pictorial images, Proc. SPIE. 9016 ( 2014).
S. Triantaphillidou, J. Jarvis, A. Psarrou, G. Gupta, Contrast sensitivity in images of natural scenes, Signal Processing: Image Communication, ( 2019).
E. Fry, S. Triantaphillidou, R. Jenkin, R.E. Jacobson, J. Jarvis, Scene-and-Process-Dependent Spatial Image Quality Metrics. Journal of Imaging Science and Technology. 63 (6), pp. 060407-1–060407-13 ( 2019).
S. Triantaphillidou, J. Smejkal, E. Fry, H. H. Chuang. Studies on the effect of MegaPixel sensor resolution on displayed image quality and relevant metrics, IS&T Electronic Imaging: Image Quality and System Performance XVII ( 2020).
Funding details
2018/2019: PI: Triantaphillidou, project “Mobile phone camera image quality – Phase 1”, 6-month commercial research contract, funded by Huawei, China, grant value £136,000.
2009/2017: Director of Study, project “Image usefulness in security recording systems”, p/t PhD grant, funded by the UK Home Office’s HOSDB (CAST, post-2011), grant value £16,000.
2014/2015: PI: Triantaphillidou, project “Understanding human spatiotemporal visual sensitivity to real scenes in the presence of noise – Phase 2”, 1-year government research contract, funded by MoD’s Defence Science and Technology Laboratory (DSTL), grant value £120,000.
2011/2014: PI: Triantaphillidou, project “Understanding human spatiotemporal visual sensitivity to real scenes in the presence of noise”, 3-year government research contract, funded by MoD’s DSTL, grant value £310,000.
4. Details of the impact
Changing practice at Transport for London (TfL)
By 2009 it had become apparent that CCTV recordings in London were too often of limited usefulness in the investigation of crime. A key reason for this lack of usefulness was that CCTV system providers to TfL set their cameras in a non-standardised manner, resulting in the CCTV cameras on board its London buses producing visual imagery of varying quality. It was revealed by the Metropolitan Police Service (MPS) that, despite the high expenditure on CCTV in London (£200m across 10 years), “for every 1,000 cameras in London, less than one crime is solved per year” [a-i].
Thus, with the participation of the TfL and the funding of a PhD studentship by the Home Office’s Scientific Development Branch (HOSDB), Triantaphillidou and her colleagues undertook an applied research project aimed at addressing CCTV quality in this context, for the first time, resulting in the standardisation of CCTV recording on London buses.
On the basis of their investigation, the team produced a set of standards that would ensure facial recognition from CCTV recordings of bus passengers within the variety of sitting/standing scenarios and lighting conditions relevant to London Buses. It also established a methodology to derive such standards, as described in output [1]. TfL implemented the Westminster’s team recommendations for CCTV recorded video in all London buses in 2014. Andrew Hyman, the Analytics Research and Data Outreach Manager at TfL, confirms that the research team’s “ findings were used to set minimum CCTV quality levels for the CCTV fitted to all new buses. This was implemented through the ITT Bus Build Specification, which sets out the bus build standards for all new buses as part of the requirements for all bus route tenders. This is mandatory” [a-ii]. This change in practice is such that, as of April 2020, the TfL have approximately 9,000 buses in the fleet that have been fitted with CCTV cameras on the basis of these specifications [a-iii].
The significance of this impact on the relevant TfL London bus practices is that human faces can now be consistently, successfully, identified from CCTV footage across all of the TfL buses, allowing it to function as a vital tool in the investigation of crime. Writing in 2018, Hyman notes that “[g]ood CCTV significantly increases the chances of detection” and that the TfL’s “Bus CCTV is currently recognized as some of the best quality CCTV covering the public domain, which is one reason why the request for it continues to rise annually” [a-ii]. This increase in demand is confirmed by the MPS who provided the following information [a-iv], which encompasses all bus operators that must use the TfL specifications:
Financial Year | 2016 | 2017 | 2018 | 2019 |
Total CCTV Requests (BUS) | 10494 | 10985 | 10815 | 11852 |
Total CCTV requests provided to MPS (BUS) | 8408 | 9268 | 9558 | 10723 |
Retrieval Rate | 80% | 84% | 88% | 90% |
The increase in MPS demand for access to TfL bus CCTV footage demonstrates the increasing usefulness of this high-quality imagery in police investigations. While neither the MPS nor the Crown Prosecution Service record data on the number of successful prosecutions that use CCTV within its evidence [a-iv, a-v], several high-profile cases demonstrate the usefulness of Triantaphillidou’s optimised recording standards for obtaining convictions.
Example 1: Demonstrating the effectiveness of the CCTV specifications at night time, a video recording played a vital role in the conviction of four teenagers for their homophobic attack on a lesbian couple in July 2019, which made global headlines following the release of the image of the bloodied women. The judge referred to the CCTV video several times in her judgement, stating that it proved that the suspects “quite clearly targeted this couple” [a-vi].
Example 2: The quality of the CCTV imagery, as tested under wide-ranging conditions, was such that the police were able to trace a suspect who stamped a person to death on a bus in March 2018. The camera that was positioned to film the exit door of the bus caught the suspect pressing his hand against the glass (see image on the right [a-vi]), allowing the police to lift finger prints from it, leading to his identification, arrest, and eventual conviction [a-vi].
As such, the impact on TfL practice regarding their CCTV recording has also had a positive impact on the organisations
seeking to solve crime and prosecute criminals by enabling them to pursue these aims in an effective manner.
Changing practice at an imaging start-up
A secondary impact of the above engagement relates to the upskilling of a researcher who would contribute methodologies and material from the TfL project to the development a UK SME (small or medium-sized enterprise), which in turn led to its purchase by Apple Inc.
Dr Anastasia Tsifouti, a then BSc graduate of Westminster and HOSDB employee , undertook the aforementioned HOSBD-sponsored PhD studentship at Westminster under the supervision of Dr Triantaphillidou and aided in the successful enhancement of TfL CCTV, as described above. In Spring 2018 Dr Tsifouti joined Spectral Edge, a SME that focusses on improving pictures and videos on mass market devices on a pixel-level, via embeddable technology that can be implemented purely in software or in silicon and through techniques incorporating machine learning in real time [b-i].
Spectral Edge benefited from the methodologies and data obtained from the TfL project, which were used to enhance the company’s approach to computational photography. This occurred both through the skills and knowledge Tsifouti brought to the company from the Westminster project, and Triantaphillidou’s three-day consultancy on the image quality framework of Spectral Edge’s SE Fusion technology in January 2019 [b-ii]. Subsequently, the TfL work featured in Spectral Edge’s 2019 white paper: RGB+IR Real Time Fusion for the Security and Surveillance Industry [b-iii]. The pre-2014 bus CCTV images analysed by the Westminster team feature on page 12 of the white paper, which also communicates how Tsifouti’s skills in optimising underexposed, overexposed, and mixed illumination image rendering were used in the development of their flagship SE Fusion technology, which “ensures minimal loss of resolution, while delivering improved contrast, dynamic range and signal-to-noise ratio” within its image capture process [b-iii, p.12].
In November 2019, Apple Inc. acquired the SME, with Bloomberg suggesting that “Spectral Edge’s technology could contribute to the AI [Artificial Intelligence] Apple already uses in its Camera app by continuing to improve the quality of photos in low-light environments” [b-iv]. The specific ways in which the SpectralEdge innovations have been incorporated into Apple devices cannot be confirmed due to issues of high confidentiality. Nonetheless, following this acquisition the skills base of SpectralEdge staff, which has been positively impacted by Westminster researchers, has fed into their role within Apple’s Cambridge-based Camera and Photos Team, which “provides innovative algorithms and image processing solutions for all of Apples world-class devices which include the most successful imaging product, iPhone as well as other camera related systems” [b-v]. Dr Tsifouti, now an Apple Inc. employee, attests to the importance of Dr Triantaphillidou to her development within this unique field: “Image quality is an important field in the development of any technology or investigation that relates to imaging. It is an interdisciplinary field, not very well understood by non image quality scientists. In addition, there are not many image quality scientists in the UK. Dr Triantaphillidou has been a great help to my development, throughout my career, as an image quality scientist. Even very recently, in 2019, I requested her consultation on image quality metrics, when I was working for a startup (SpectralEdge) that was sold to Apple” [b-vi].
Changing practice at Huawei
In their collaboration with Huawei Technologies Co Ltd, China, the Westminster researchers proposed and implemented a successful verification methodology that connected image quality prediction models with customer experience rating methods. Success in this area is confirmed by output [6] and testimony which specifies two specific changes of practice that have resulted in the impact of creating efficiency and cost-savings within the R&D process of Huawei’s Camera Testing Team: [Text removed for publication] [c-i] [c-ii].
The optimisation of camera image quality on the basis of robust predictions of customer preference, as achieved via the intervention of Triantaphillidou and her team, is of key significance for Huawei’s commercial strategy in this area. This is because their ever-increasing market share in the smartphone sector is driven by their constant technological improvements to their phone cameras. Huawei is second to Samsung in regard to global market share and is the leader of the China market at 42% / 97.8 million shipments in 2019, a 66% increase on the previous year [c-iii]. As The Verge explains, this growth is in spite of the smartphone market “experiencing its own form of recession” in recent years, with Huawei being an “exception” because they have “consistently made huge strides between every device release. The company has invested heavily in its camera hardware, which has paid off with terrific performance (currently unmatched in low light) and has stirred smartphone owners to hit the ‘upgrade’ button” [c-iv]. As such, Prof Triantaphillidou and her fellow University of Westminster researchers are impacting upon Huawei’s continued commercial expansion in the smartphone market by ensuring they remain the key innovators in the area of camera phone hardware.
5. Sources to corroborate the impact
[a] (i) The Telegraph “1,000 CCTV cameras to solve just one crime, Met Police admits” 25/8/09 [ link] (ii) Email communication from Andrew Hyman, Analytics Research and Data Outreach Manager, Technology and Data, TfL. 7 August 2018. (iii) TfL FOI Ref: 0052-2021 (iv) MPS FOI Ref: 01/FOI/20/014238 (v) CPS FOI response (vi) PDF portfolio of media reports [ 1] [ 2]
[b] (i) Report on Tsifouti hiring [ link] (ii) UoW/SE consultancy contract (iii) Spectral Edge White Paper. RGB+IR Real Time Fusion for the Security and Surveillance Industry 2019 [ link] (iv) Bloomberg “Apple Buys U.K. Startup to Improve iPhone Picture Taking” 12/12/19 [ link] and media reports on SE Fusion and iPhone [ 1] [ 2] [ 3] (v) AI Jobs DB, Camera Software - Image Processing Research Engineer at Apple (Cambridge, UK) (vi) Testimony from Dr Anastasia Tsifouti, previously of HOSBD, now Apple
[c] (i) Testimony from Huawei’s Camera Testing team (ii) Approved project agreements with Huawei (iii) PDF portfolio of market share analysis from Statista, IDC, Canalys (iv) The Verge “Huawei’s phone sales are ballooning while Apple and Samsung’s slump” 01/05/19 [ link]