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- Brunel University London
- 11 - Computer Science and Informatics
- Submitting institution
- Brunel University London
- Unit of assessment
- 11 - Computer Science and Informatics
- Summary impact type
- Technological
- Is this case study continued from a case study submitted in 2014?
- No
1. Summary of the impact
Brunel has worked with the Medicine Health Regulatory Authority (MHRA) to create and successfully introduce a new synthetic data generation service enabling the release of valuable NHS primary care data for the first time. This opens a new “machine learning” sector in the market for developing mobile health apps that is expected to save the NHS GBP2,000,000,000. In addition, it ensures patient privacy concerns with respect to General Data Protection Regulation are addressed. This work has led the MHRA to update its regulation for AI technology and to initiate a new synthetic data generator service, which enables health innovators to develop and validate state-of-the-art health apps using NHS data that would otherwise be unavailable. Two new full-scale synthetic datasets have been released in August 2020 based on cardiovascular disease and Covid-19, funded by NHSx. These will lead to the development of new diagnostic tools by enabling health app-innovation through machine learning. Already, Sensyne Health have been using the service to develop and validate new mobile apps for diabetes, a disease which affects 3,500,000 people in the UK, and which currently costs the NHS GBP9,800,000,000 per annum. Apps such as these will empower patients to take control of their own health through improved monitoring and reporting, and therefore enable the delivery of more personalised clinical decision-making.
2. Underpinning research
Probabilistic models such as Bayesian networks have proved to be extremely valuable in modelling complex data in a transparent way. They can be used to model many types of data including categorical data, numerical data, and temporal data and have been particularly popular in environmental and medical applications (REF 1, REF 2). However, these models are limited by the scalability of truly “huge” datasets as learning a Bayesian network from data is NP-Hard. In a recent collaboration with Oxford University, Tucker developed efficient algorithms for the scalable learning of Bayesian networks from huge datasets (REF 3). These algorithms exploited a new metric for scoring models, taking advantage of the availability of closed-form estimators for local distributions with few parents within a network. Tucker showed that using predictive instead of in-sample goodness-of-fit scores improves speed and accuracy of network reconstruction. These developments were included in the bnlearn package in 2019 and are now published.
A collaboration with the Medicine and Health Regulator Authority (MHRA), funded by a pioneer grant from INNOVATE UK, resulted in the extension of the scalable Bayesian network learning algorithm to build high-fidelity synthetic datasets. This approach integrated resampling, probabilistic graphical modelling, latent variable identification, and outlier analysis within a Bayesian network framework to capture structurally missing data when inferring models from millions of primary care patient records (REF 4). Tucker demonstrated that datasets generated using this method include much of the richness and value of the original primary care data by exploring multivariate distributions, correlation structure and sensitivity analyses. What is more, many of the privacy concerns of making real patient data publicly available are mitigated as demonstrated through simulating the difficulty in matching patients to synthetic datapoints. This research has enabled the MHRA to release synthetic data to the health tech sector, facilitating innovation in the sector through the use of the datasets for the development and validation of new mobile health apps. In turn this has led to the MHRA updating its regulation of new software for diagnosing, monitoring disease and identifying risk factors (REF 5, REF 6). Sensyne Health are already using the techniques for developing and validating a health app for modelling gestational diabetes.
3. References to the research
Uusitalo, L., Tomczak, MT., Müller-Karulis, B., Putnis, I., Trifonova, N., Tucker, A. (2018) ' Hidden variables in a Dynamic Bayesian Network identify ecosystem level change'. Ecological Informatics, 45 (May 2018). pp. 9 - 15. ISSN: 1574-9541
Ceccon, S., Garway-Heath, D., Crabb, D., Tucker, A. (2014) 'Exploring early glaucoma and the visual field test: Classification and clustering using Bayesian networks'. IEEE Transactions on Biomedical and Health Informatics, 18 (3). pp. 1008 - 1014. ISSN: 2168-2194
Scutari, M., Vitolo, C.,Tucker, A. “Learning Bayesian Networks from Big Data with Greedy Search”. Statistics and Computing. pp. 1 - 15. (2018) ISSN: 0960-3174
Tucker, A., Wang, Z., Rotalinti, Y., Myles, P. “Generating High-Fidelity Synthetic Patient Data for Assessing Machine Learning Healthcare Software”, Nature Digital Medicine, npj Digit. Med. 3, 147 (2020)
Wang, Z., Myles, P., Tucker, A. “Generating and Evaluating Synthetic UK Primary Care Data: Preserving Data Utility & Patient Privacy.” 2019 IEEE 32nd International Symposium on Computer-Based Medical Systems (CBMS) (2019): 126-131 DOI: 10.1109/CBMS.2019.00036
Wang, Z, Myles, P, Tucker, A. Generating and evaluating cross‐sectional synthetic electronic healthcare data: Preserving data utility and patient privacy. Computational Intelligence. 2021; 1– 33.
4. Details of the impact
The optimised scalable methods for learning probabilistic models are being used as part of the CRAN bnlearn package (S1, S2). The bnlearn package is used worldwide and has had 113,028 downloads since the optimised code was made available (S3). In particular, the optimised algorithms in this package are being used by the MHRA for modelling complex disease comorbidities from huge primary care datasets (Wang et al. 2019) to generate synthetic data (S4, S5).
The collaboration with the MHRA has used the scalable Bayesian network package to develop a synthetic data generation framework that enables the generation of high-fidelity synthetic datasets that can be used for benchmarking machine learning algorithms for regulatory purposes (Tucker 2020). The collaboration was highly successful, far exceeding the promised deliverables in the original project scope. Based on this work, the MHRA put in a business case for scaling up production of synthetic data by the MHRA’s specialist division, the Clinical Practice Research Datalink (CPRD), and awarded additional funds from NHSx to build on the previous work (S6).
** 1) Changing National Policy** – As a result of the success of the scalable synthetic data generator, the CPRD has revised its guidance for reviewing machine learning research applications submitted as part of data access requests based on the empirical evidence from this project (S4, S5). In addition, the CPRD is planning to launch a synthetic data generation service, with 12 staff already devoted to working on the project (S4). This new service will involve government analysts adopting innovative methodological approaches based on the work. The MHRA’s intention is that these research informed decisions, which include further work with Brunel, will ultimately lead to direct benefits for the health and wellbeing of people by bringing medical device products to markets more quickly. In addition, commerce and the economy will benefit through making the UK an attractive environment for supporting the development of software medical devices. This will be supported by better public policy with improved regulatory pathways that support innovation (S5). This is the first time such data has been made available and the project is currently shortlisted for a Civil Service award. The work has led to the MHRA releasing two synthetic datasets for the first time: a proof-of-concept synthetic cardiovascular risk dataset has been made available for access by the wider research community. In addition, a synthetic dataset has been generated to facilitate Covid-19 research, which was separately funded by NHSx and can also be accessed via CPRD (S7). The work has been the subject of a press release issued jointly by the MHRA, the Department for Health and Social Care (DHSC) and the Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy (S8). Already, Sensyne Health ( are developing an app for modelling diabetes using the service. The app aims to predict the need for intervention based upon blood glucose level monitoring and the development and validation of this app is made possible through using the synthetic data service.
2) Expanding the UK Economy – HealthTech is now the largest employer in the broader Life Sciences sector, employing 131,800 people in 4,060 companies, with a combined turnover of GBP25,600,000,000 ( according to the association of British HealthTech Industries - A report by the market research firm Mordor Intelligence suggests that the global mobile health market will reach GBP46,370,000,000 in 2021. This market is expected to save the UK NHS GBP2,000,000,000 per year (IQVIA Institute S9). According to Deloitte, the biggest barriers to this sector in the UK are cultural and regulatory (S10). One stumbling block to expansion of this sector is the sharing of primary care data that is limited by data protection laws. The new synthetic datasets enable a rapid expansion of health-based apps that utilise historical primary care data, minimising risk of patient identification. This, in turn, will open up a new sector in machine-learning based health apps, which is currently not available, giving the UK a distinct competitive advantage by generating a new economy with the associated high-skill jobs, and offering considerable savings to the NHS.
3) Improving Public Health – The public will see the benefit of a whole new breed of apps that can learn from synthetic historical patient data, saving the NHS substantial costs through better monitoring and diagnosing. For example, diabetes costs the UK NHS GBP9,800,000,000 ( The Sensyne app enables patients to reduce the need for appointments and to give them greater control over their care. The synthetic data generator has enabled Sensyne Health to generate new insights, develop new algorithms, and enable experiment repeatability whilst abiding by GDPR regulation. In addition, some clinically significant populations are under-represented in real-world data. The synthetic data generation methods enable them to produce arbitrarily large samples of such patients for analysis and algorithm development. (S11). The Covid-19 synthetic data holds extremely valuable information about GP visits and has the potential to unlock some of the early signals of the arrival of Covid-19 into the UK based upon recorded symptoms, geographic location and demographic information. The potential of releasing the synthetic data on cardiovascular disease (CVD) is huge. CVD affects 7,600 000 people in the UK and accounts for 27% of all annual deaths – costing the economy GBP19,000,000,000. The opportunity for the health tech sector to develop and validate new apps that can predict and monitor cardiovascular risk using historical data with state-of-the-art machine learning technology, will benefit patients, clinicians and the economy.
5. Sources to corroborate the impact
Marco Scutari bnlearn package:
Scalable bnlearn package:
CRAN downloads statistics as of Nov 2019:
CPRD letter of support (attached)
MHRA letter of support (attached)
NHS X Press Release:
CPRD datalink:
MHRA Press Release:
IQVIA Institute:
Sensyne Health letter of support (attached)
- Submitting institution
- Brunel University London
- Unit of assessment
- 11 - Computer Science and Informatics
- Summary impact type
- Technological
- Is this case study continued from a case study submitted in 2014?
- No
1. Summary of the impact
Brunel researchers’ novel cloud-based High Performance Simulation (HPS) techniques have enabled in this REF period: (i) at least 30 SMEs to develop new cloud-based HPS products leading to around GBP13,000,000 increased turnover, (ii) Saker Solutions to increase their turnover to around GBP1,400,000 and delivering some GBP2,000,000,000 – GBP3,000,000 benefit to nuclear, manufacturing, defence and retail industries, (iii) a new cloud-based nuclear waste reprocessing decision support system at Sellafield PLC Saker Solutions (UK SME) and (iv) a new startup (CloudSME UG).
2. Underpinning research
Computer simulation is widely used in manufacturing and logistics from new product design (e.g. continuous simulation ( CS) used mainly in product design (efficiency of air flow over turbine blades, movement of oil in tankers, etc.) to evaluating improvements in production and logistics (e.g. discrete-event simulation ( DES) (analysis of factory improvements, supply chain logistics, warehouse organisation, etc.)). Contemporary simulation software systems limit the amount of investigation/experimentation that can be done in a project, and therefore the quality of results ( THEME1), and model size/reuse ( THEME2). THEME1: DES until relatively recently no widespread approaches were used by commercial simulation vendors to speed up experimentation; CS simulation software is typically parallelised and uses multiple CPUs to speed up simulations; these need expensive computing clusters to run. THEME2: DES commercial simulations typically run on a single computer which limits model size.
THEME1:DES/CS - cloud computing enable users to “hire” multiple computational resources that can significantly speed up simulation experimentation through parallel execution. This can result in better results and decision making. Simulation software vendors are typically SMEs. The development of cloud-based High-Performance Simulation (HPS) software is costly and this is a major barrier to innovation. In the FP7 Cloud-based Simulation platform for Manufacturing and Engineering (CloudSME) project (, research by Taylor/Anagnostou in collaboration with the project leader (Kiss, Westminster) and the CloudSME project team led to the development of the CloudSME Simulation Platform (CSSP) that enabled the rapid creation of commercial cloud-based HPS software solutions on multiple clouds (e.g., Amazon, Azure and European SME cloud providers such as CloudSigma, etc.). Previous experience in HPS enabled Taylor/Anagnostou to bridge between commercial simulation application development with the technical development of the CSSP platform. Taylor/Anagnostou worked with the industrial partners to develop their new cloud-based simulation applications and ensured that the CSSP would fully support these. SMEs use the CSSP’s common API to create new cloud applications that can run on different clouds. This avoids potentially redevelopment costs when moving to another cloud and allows SMEs to exploit savings from the emerging worldwide cloud market. Applications can be web-based or desktop ( REF3, REF6). The Cloud Orchestration at the Level of Application (COLA) project continued this work ( by leveraging advances in containerisation to produce the auto-scaling Microservices-based Cloud Application-level Dynamic Orchestrator (MiCADO) service. Taylor/Anagnostou worked with Kiss in the COLA project to produce JQueuer that augments MiCADO to enable the optimum use of cloud-based resources in simulation experimentation via deadline scheduling ( REF5).
THEME2:DES - Large simulations can be composed from a set of linked new/existing smaller simulations running on multiple computers. Taylor led international standardisation efforts with the US-based Simulation Interoperability Standards Organization (SISO) to produce the world’s first standard in this area (Standard for COTS Simulation Package Interoperability Reference Models (SISO-STD-006-2010) ( REF1). The common approach to interoperating simulations (distributed simulation) is specified in other standards. However, these do not capture problems common to commercial simulation applications. This research created methods and interoperability patterns that implemented these standards to enable large-scale simulations consisting of new or reused models. REF2 describes the methodology based on a non-confidential case study.
Overall, this work has created a foundation for high performance simulation in industry by combining THEME1 and THEME2 (see REF4 for details on the overall “vision”).
3. References to the research
REF1 Taylor, S.J.E., Anagnostou, A., Kiss, T., Terstyanszky, G., Visti, H., Farkas, Z., Kacsuk, P., Sereda, A. and Fantini, N. (2018). The CloudSME simulation platform and its applications: A generic multi-cloud platform for developing and executing commercial cloud-based simulations. Future Generation Computer Systems. 88:524-539.
REF2 Taylor, S.J.E., Anagnostou, A., Kiss, T., Terstyanszky, G., Kacsuk, P., Fantini, N., Lakehal, D. and Costes, J. (2019). Enabling Cloud-based Computational Fluid Dynamics with a Platform-as-a-Service Solution. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics. 15(1): 85-94.
REF3 Kiss, T., DesLauriers, J., Gesmier, G., Terstyanszky, G., Pierantoni, G., Abu Oun, O., Taylor, S.J.E., Anagnostou, A., Kovacs, J. (2019). A cloud-agnostic queuing system to support the implementation of deadline-based application execution policies. Future Generation Computer Systems, 101: 99-111.
REF4 Taylor, S.J.E., Turner, S.J., Strassburger, S. and Mustafee, N. (2012). Bridging The Gap: A Standards-Based Approach to OR/MS Distributed Simulation. ACM Transactions on Modeling and Computer Simulation. 22(4): Article 18.
REF5 Anagnostou, A., & Taylor, S. J. E. (2016). A distributed simulation methodological framework for OR/MS applications. Simulation Modelling Practice and Theory, 70, 101-119. doi: 10.1016/j.simpat.2016.10.007
REF6 Taylor, S.J.E. Distributed Simulation: State-of-the-Art and Potential for Operational Research. (2019). European Journal of Operational Research. 273(1):1-19.
4. Details of the impact
This research has had impact in many areas of manufacturing and logistics in terms of enabling better decisions through the use of faster experimentation ( THEME1) and larger simulations ( THEME2). It has therefore enabled (i) many commercial cloud-based high-performance simulation (HPS) systems, (ii) a major high-performance simulation industrial application of large scale simulation and associated innovations, and (iii) contributions to standardisation. Overall, based on substantial industrial experience, the major impact of this work has been to create a foundation for future industrial high performance simulation systems by combining both themes.
(THEME1) The impact of cloud-based HPS has been to enable vendors to create new products/services with a knock-on impact to their clients through more detailed analyses within project timescales. A diverse range of applications include business process simulation, footwear design, emissions reduction, inventory management and freight transportation. Overall, the impact so far has been evidenced by 30 European SMEs from 12 countries that reported the following estimated economic impact as a result of this work: a cumulative turnover increase of approximately GBP13,000,000, leading to the development of around 150 new products or services in manufacturing & logistics and contributing to the creation of around 100 new jobs. Additionally, these companies reduced the time to market for new products and improved business processes, customer satisfaction and business practices. The above numbers are evidenced in official project reports/deliverables of the CloudSME and COLA projects submitted to the European Commission and provided by executives of the involved companies ( E1, E2). The CSSP is also being used in other large projects (e.g. the H2020 Cloudifacturing project involving around 200 SMEs). These figures can be considered to be a lower bound.
The FP7 CloudSME project also led to the founding of CloudSME UG in 2015, a new start up to continue to develop new cloud-based HPS ( E3). With Taylor as a scientific advisor, the company now has 4 employees and an annual turnover of approximately GBP133,000 since 2017 (primarily through contracts in manufacturing) and made its first profit in 2019. The impact of Brunel’s work is further supported by two videos created for the European Commission that demonstrates the results of their ICT for Manufacturing SMEs (I4MS) programme (CloudSME was funded under this). The video by Hobsons Brewery, a UK-based SME craft-brewer, shows how cloud-based simulation made their business more efficient ( E4). The video by Podoactiva, a Spanish SME manufacturer of tailored foot insoles, shows how the technology enabled them to increase their market by enabling new insole design applications for podiatrists. These projects also enabled Saker Solutions, Hobsons Brewery and Taylor/Anagnostou to successfully bid for an InnovateUK project (CraftBrew) that facilitated the development of a low-cost enterprise management system for small brewers.
( THEME1 and THEME2) Taylor/Anagnostou have worked with Saker Solutions (SME, UK) and Sellafield PLC to develop many discrete-event simulations of nuclear waste reprocessing. The impact of THEME2 (large models) comes from training Saker to create large distributed simulations. Taylor/Anagnostou worked with Saker Solutions and Sellafield PLC to develop a distributed simulation of the Magnox Swarf Storage Silo (MSSS) system. This is the only distributed simulation used in the nuclear industry ( E6). This reuses and links six previously developed simulations to form a large-scale simulation of nuclear waste recycling in this area. SAKERGRID, a high-performance simulation system previously developed with Taylor to manage and deploy simulation experiments on a computing cluster (and now cloud) has been significantly extended through the above research and deployed at both Saker and Sellafield ( THEME1). This has led to an increased turnover at Saker of GBP1,400,000 since 2014 with some GBP2,000,000 – GBP3,000,000 of benefit mainly to the nuclear industry (Sellafield) but also manufacturing, defence and retail sectors. In addition, there are unquantified savings arising from the reduced turnaround time of experimentation enabled by the use of SAKERGRID which both reduces project lead time and increases the number of scenarios which can be examined. The upgrading of SAKERGRID to cloud also enabled Saker to continue working effectively during the COVID pandemic ( E7).
5. Sources to corroborate the impact
E1: CloudSME deliverable D4.6 IPR management/monitoring and exploitation/use 2, 31st March 2016, submitted by the CloudSME project to the European Commission, pages 13-21 containing exact impact figures of participating companies.
E2: COLA deliverable D3.3 First commercial exploitation and sustainability report, 21st December 2017, submitted by the CloudSME project to the European Commission, pages 30-33 containing exact impact figures of participating companies.
E3: Evidence provided by CloudSME UG (Germany).
E4: Impact video by Hobsons Brewery and Company Limited -
E5: Impact video by Podoactiva SL -
E6: Description of the MSSS distributed simulation in Sellafield PLC, The 2017 Technology Development and Delivery Summary, p.18.
E7: Evidence provided by Saker Solutions Ltd (England).
- Submitting institution
- Brunel University London
- Unit of assessment
- 11 - Computer Science and Informatics
- Summary impact type
- Societal
- Is this case study continued from a case study submitted in 2014?
- No
1. Summary of the impact
Prof Taylor and Dr Anagnostou at Brunel have supported National Research and Education Networks (NRENs) in at least 6 African countries to develop network services for at least 300 Universities, improving the experience of around 3,000,000 students and faculty. Their service development roadmaps have helped deliver national education policies in at least 11 countries leading to digitally enhanced student experience. Through this work students are saving annually in excess of GBP81,700,000 in broadband costs and are contributing an estimated GBP98,000,000 annually additional GDP as a result of a digitally enhanced education across the countries Brunel have worked with.
2. Underpinning research
In over 120 countries, public universities have joined together to organize Internet access/connectivity, via centralized organizations called National Research and Education Networks (NRENs). These have been hugely impactful by achieving cheaper Internet access, software, systems and services through national economies of scale and have enabled worldwide scientific collaboration and digital education. Prior to 2008, Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) had little in terms of these. In 2008 the European Commission commissioned the FEAST study to roadmap strategies to creating both physical communication networks, African NRENs and network links to Europe. The EC in partnership with the African Association of Universities and African Nations have made major investments in undersea cables and national infrastructures. These led to the emergence of SSA NRENs and the Regional Research and Education Networks coordinating and leading efforts between the emerging SSA NRENs (Ubuntunet Alliance (East and South SSA) and WACREN (West and Central Africa)). In parallel with these developments, our research has studied and supported the developed of NRENs and their network services in SSA.
In 2009, Taylor led the FP7 ERINA4Africa project (2009-2011) that established the impact of e-Infrastructures network services in Africa in terms of the Millennium Development Goals (now the Sustainable Development Goals) by creating several innovative African-based demonstrators. Results identified that advanced network services (e.g. e-Infrastructures) had major potential for Africa and emerging African NRENs had a significant role to play in terms of emerging African economies. For example, our e-Health application survey identified funding dependency, the provision of suitable communication networks and use of unsupported technologies as major factors in health project failure ( REF1). However, the diversity of network service technologies and architecture and speed of technological change makes baseline innovation difficult to develop (e.g. which security architecture to use, how to store and access data, software, etc.) Work carried out by Taylor/Anagnostou in industry as part of the FP7 CloudSME project recognised that end user access to complex networked software and services could be simplified by creating sophisticated web-based front ends (science gateways) where appropriate supporting network services existed ( REF5). In the FP7 eI4Africa project (2012-2014), in East and Southern Africa with the Ubuntunet Alliance Taylor/Anagnostou proposed a reference architecture for African network services that assisted emerging NRENs in understanding network service provision to Universities on a national scale ( REF4) resulting in 6 African NRENs developing/expanding their services (Kenya, Malawi, Nigeria, South Africa, Tanzania and Zambia) and 24 scientific communities adopting their own science gateways linked to African network services ( REF3). Based on this, in the H2020 TANDEM project (2015-2017) Anagnostou/Taylor worked with WACREN in West and Central Africa to develop their NREN Network Service Roadmap which is being used to develop network services in the region and deliver national education policy (ranging from email to cloud services – REF2). Following the emergence of Open Science, in our H2020 Sci-GaIA sister project (2015-2017) Anagnostou/Taylor co-developed the FAIR Open Science Platform network service to support all aspects of open science (“FAIR” is the sense of FORCE11 principles of Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, Re-usable data). This facilitates the development of key Open Science components including Open Access Repository, Science Gateways and e-Infrastructure network services technologies. Multiple new Open Access Repositories and applications were created through Hackfests in 6 African countries. Overall, our research has had a major impact realising the educational policies of African nations by establishing African NRENs and enabling them to deliver their own impact on African education.
3. References to the research
REF1: Jahangirian, M. and Taylor, S.J.E. (2015). Profiling e-Health projects in Africa: trends and funding patterns. Information Development. 31(3): 199-218. (doi:10.1177/0266666913511478 – 16th December 2013).
REF2: Kashefi, A., Taylor, S.J.E, Abbott, P., Anagnostou, A., Tessa, O.M., Oaiya, O., Barry, B. and Alline, D. User Requirements for National Research and Education Networks for Research in West and Central Africa. Information Development, (May 2018). doi: 10.1177/0266666918774113.
REF3: Ogunleye, O.O, Fadare, J.O., Eriksen, J., Oaiya, O, Massele, A., Truter, I., Taylor, S.J.E., Godman, B. and Gustafsson, L.L. (2019). Reported needs of information resources, research tools, connectivity and infrastructure among African Pharmacological Scientists to improve future patient care and health. Expert Review of Clinical Pharmacology, 12(5): 481-489
REF4: Spyridonis, F., Taylor, S.J.E., Abbott, P., Barbera, R., Nungu, A., Gustafsson, L.L., Pehrson, B., Oaiya, O. and Banda, T. (2015). A study on the state-of-the-art of e-Infrastructures uptake in Africa. Palgrave Communications 1, Article number 14007 (doi:10.1057/palcomms.2014.7 – 20th January 2015)
REF5: Taylor, S.J.E., Kiss, T., Anagnostou, A., Terstyanszky, G., Kacsuk, P., Costes, J., Fantini, N. (2018). The CloudSME simulation platform and its applications: A generic multi-cloud platform for developing and executing commercial cloud-based simulations. Future Generation Computer Systems, 88: 524-539.
GRANT 1: Simon Taylor (PI) European Commission (654237) 1 May 2015 – 30 April 2017, Energising Scientific Endeavour through Science Gateways and e-Infrastructures in Africa (Sci-GaIA), GBP1,190,549.08
GRANT 2: Simon Taylor (PI) European Commission (654206) 1 May 2015 – 30 April 2017, TransAfrican Network Development (TANDEM), GBP1,082,902.60
4. Details of the impact
Equitable access to education and research is vital to development in Africa and is a major priority for African Nations. For example, the African Union Agenda 2063’s Call to Action commits to speeding up actions to (c) “Catalyse education and skills revolution and actively promote science, technology, research and innovation…” This aligns with Sustainable Development Goal 4 (Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all). As noted by the World Bank, National Research and Education Networks (NRENs) are a major factor in enabling this – as demonstrated in over 120 countries, NRENs organize centralised public university Internet access/connectivity, offer additional software, systems and services through common standards to enable worldwide scientific collaboration and digital educational resources, and, through economies of scale, drive down prices of these. In Africa emerging NRENs are having a major impact on public Universities (e.g. cutting Internet costs from GBP3,000 to GBP4,400 per megabit per second (Mbps) per month to under GBP73 per Mbps). However, African universities cannot realise the full benefit of these reduced costs without networked services supporting education and research. Taylor and Anagnostou have worked with emerging African NRENs to develop these services and to accelerate significantly their maturity. This has had a major knock-on effect to their user community, the staff and students of African universities. Taylor and Anagnostou have identified two main examples of impact.
(i) African Network Service Development. Network service deployment is extremely complex. For example, services supporting access and collaboration need a portfolio of services Authentication and Authorization Infrastructures (AAIs). These allow NRENs and their universities to establish trusted user identities and to authorise home institution access to internal networks and digital resources. Importantly, it allows home users to be authenticated at other partner NRENs and universities across the world (e.g. via eduroam). There are multiple complex routes to deployment (federated single sign-on, e.g. Shiboleth, eduGAIN, etc.) which required a highly skilled technical team. Taylor led consortia and worked with the RENs Ubuntunet Alliance and WACREN to investigate of the most effective route to service deployment of this and other associated services (e.g. Science Gateways) based on a novel e-Infrastructure Reference Architecture ( E1). From this, Taylor led the development of training materials delivered by the RENs to their NRENs. This work was adopted by both these associations as well as at least 6 NRENs (Kenya, Malawi, Nigeria, South Africa, Tanzania and Zambia) supporting approximately 160 Universities and 1,800,000 students ( E2). Our work was instrumental in initiating several NRENs including the Lagos State-based Eko-Konnect cluster of the Nigerian NREN (NgREN) that serves 176 Universities and around 2,000,000 students. ( E3). Taylor/Anagnostou also worked in the H2020 TANDEM project with WACREN to create a NREN Service Roadmap used to guide the development of NRENs in 11 African Nations in West Africa ( E4). These NRENs form a formal part of education policy in these countries – this work has therefore directly contributed to the educational policies of at least 17 African Nations ( E5).
(ii) The OECD, UNESCO and the World Bank have indicated the value and benefits of Open Science in developed economies (e.g. over a billion USD in 10 years in the USA, wider innovation in SMEs, citizen science, etc.) In developing economies further benefits are possible (e.g. access to African research outputs, access to research by research institutions, significantly reduced costs of data access/use, etc.) ( E6) With the Ubuntunet Alliance and WACREN, Anagnostou/Taylor used the FAIR Open Science Platform (OSP) (co-developed by Brunel and UNICT (Italy)) to demonstrate how Open Science could be adopted by NRENs and used to support their Universities. Again with UNICT, Anagnostou/Taylor ran several hackfests (2016/7) to jump start several African Open Science projects. This resulted in 35 scientists from 6 African countries developing 49 applications servicing 24 scientific communities (ranging from bioinformatics to healthcare). It also enabled several NRENs to begin to create Open Access Repositories (Ethiopia, Nigeria, Somalia, Tanzania and Uganda) that are servicing their scientific communities (e.g. this has enabled the Africa Centre of Excellence in Phytomedicine and Research Development (ACEPRD) at University of Jos (Nigeria) to create a repository of over 200 local plant species) ( E7). The most successful of these formed the basis of the National Academic Digital Repository of Ethiopia (NADRE - with EthERNet (Ethiopia’s NREN). 47 public Universities are able to use this service to openly publish their work, data and theses. Academic end users benefit from this national NREN service (including many now using ORCIDs for the first time). This overcame the problems with maintaining institutional ones (around 10 repositories with only three working) ( E8, E9). In 2019 this led to the Ethiopian Ministry of Science and Higher Education mandating Open Science and the free access to all outputs from publicly-funded research.
The only report on the economic benefits of a NREN to its host nation (Canada) estimated an annual 5% increase in GDP through enhanced digital service provision and reduced Internet bandwidth costs for universities ( E10). These facilitated increased research productivity and higher numbers of highly qualified graduates entering the national economy. There is no recent data on graduates and their employment. However, as evidenced above, 3,800,000 students have received digitally enhanced education provided through digital educational platforms and services (access made possible through Brunel’s research) and have saved annually at least GBP81,700,000 in broadband costs ( E11). Finally, given that NRENs that Brunel has worked with are some of the most mature in Africa, if we estimate their effect on national economies to be 0.01% rather than 5% (limited by other factors such as high graduate unemployment ( E12)), then these NRENs and the services that Brunel researchers have enabled will have in 2019 contributed to an additional approximate GDP of GBP98,000,000 annually across Kenya, Nigeria, South Africa, Tanzania and Zambia (Malawi is still developing) ( E13).
5. Sources to corroborate the impact
E1: Establishment of e-Infrastructure Services and Identification of e-Infrastructure Priorities – Final Report (e-I4Africa) (eI4Africa_D6.3))
E2: Corroborating letter from Ubuntunet Alliance
E3: Corroborating letter from CEO WACREN
E4: D3.4 TANDEM-WACREN roadmap recommendations
E5: Foley, M. (2016). The Role and Status of National Research and Education Networks (NRENs) in Africa. World Bank Education, Technology & Innovation: SABER-ICT Technical Paper Series (#05). Washington, DC: The World Bank.
E6: OECD (2015-10-15), “Making Open Science a Reality”, OECD Science, Technology and Industry Policy Papers, No. 25, OECD Publishing, Paris.
E7: Energising Scientific Endeavour through Science Gateways and e-Infrastructures in Africa Final Report (Sci-GaIA)(D5.4_Final Report_Sci-GaIA)
E8: Corroborating letter from Ethiopian Education and Research Network (ETHERNET), Ethiopia
E9: Corroborating letter from Higher Education Strategy Centre, Ethiopia.
E10: Nordicity and Bytown Consulting (2014), Analysis of the Economic Benefits of CANARIE.
E11: ITU Broadband prices (2019, 5GB). Costs estimated at GBP21.5 for 5GB access.
E12: Can higher education solve Africa’s job crisis? British Council.
E13: GDP figures from
- Submitting institution
- Brunel University London
- Unit of assessment
- 11 - Computer Science and Informatics
- Summary impact type
- Health
- Is this case study continued from a case study submitted in 2014?
- No
1. Summary of the impact
Brunel’s research was incorporated into a toolkit that directly informed planning decisions for 2
NHS trusts (LNWH and Hillingdon), including 6 hospitals serving 1,290,000 citizens. LNWH used the simulations to plan COVID-19 capacity and service recovery, informing the pace and scale of health service provision and capacity expansion in response to pandemic waves, benefitting approximately 4,000 COVID-19 patients and improving the well-being and working conditions for approximately 2,600 hospital staff. This led to the trusts being able to treat 2.3 times more COVID-19 patients in their hospitals at the end of 2020, compared to the first wave capacity, and helped prevent medical services in West London being overwhelmed. The toolkit was also applied to analyse CovidSim on behalf of the Royal Society, with the findings contributing towards a shift by SAGE away from reliance on single codes.
2. Underpinning research
Brunel researchers created an epidemiological simulation toolkit for large-scale COVID-19
forecast analysis. The toolkit relies on a combination of agent-based modelling algorithms to
reproduce individual behaviours, ensemble simulations to efficiently account for statistical noise
and counterfactuals and automated access to large supercomputers (such as the Eagle
supercomputer in Poznan (PL), and the SuperMUC-NG computer in Garching (DE)) to facilitate
the rapid and reliable execution of these complex workflows. The research work performed to
establish the toolkit comprises two main themes: one concerning the Flu And Coronavirus
Simulator (FACS) and one concerning the VECMA toolkit for facilitating robust and reproducible
simulations on the high end computing scale.
The FACS code [REF1] has been developed from the ground up, and uses an agent-based
modelling algorithm with people represented as individual agents in conjunction with local
mapping data, demographic information and disease information. FACS serves to forecast the spread of Covid-19 in a local environment, such as a borough in London or a different city or region in the UK. The code has been validated against hospitalisation data of the first wave of COVID-19 from two NHS Trusts: London North West University Healthcare (LNWH) and Hillingdon Hospitals, and has shown good agreement with that validation data. The code also supports a wide range of public health interventions, such as social distancing, mask wearing and the closing of locations by type. To run FACS robustly, we perform ensemble simulations that cater for a large number of intervention scenarios, while also testing the sensitivity of key assumptions in specific forecasts, and accounting for the aleatory uncertainty in the code [REF6]. The FACS code has been developed in collaboration with the HiDALGO Centre of Excellence project (https://hidalgo\\) and is currently applied to simulate COVID-19 spread in Madrid as part of that project.
The VECMA toolkit [REF2], co-developed by Groen and the VECMA Consortium, facilitates rapid and robust verification, validation, uncertainty quantification and sensitivity analysis for a wide range of scientific applications. It is used by researchers across 8 different application domains, and it enables the team at Brunel to quickly run large ensembles of simulations using remote supercomputers (using the FabSim component **[REF4]**), and enables them to rapidly identify key uncertainties in the simulations, and parameters to which the simulations outcomes are most sensitive (using the EasyVVUQ component **[REF3]**). We also used the ensemble execution approach in VECMAtk to analyse the sensitivities and limitations of the CovidSim code [REF5], which has been consulted for policy decision making by the UK government through the Scientific Advisory Group for Emergencies (SAGE). We found that the code derives 70% of its sensitivity from only 4 out of the 940 parameters and that the model’s validation errors cannot be fully attributed, in a probabilistic sense, to lack of knowledge about the correct values of these 940 parameters. We highlight important omitted factors, such as the modelling of care homes and medical facilities, and the effect of using face masks, that could be the reason for this discrepancy.
3. References to the research
REF1: Mahmood, I., Arabnejad, H., Suleimenova, D., Sassoon, I., Marshan, A., Serrano, A.,
Louvieris, P., Anagnostou, A., Taylor, S., Bell, D. and Groen, D., 2020. FACS: A geospatial
agent-based simulator for analyzing COVID-19 spread and public health measures on local
regions. Journal of Simulation, pp. 1-19, doi:10.1080/17477778.2020.1800422.
REF2: Groen, D., Richardson, R.A., Wright, D.W., Jancauskas, V., Sinclair, R., Karlshoefer, P.,
Vassaux, M., Arabnejad, H., Piontek, T., Kopta, P. and Bosak, B., 2019, June. Introducing
VECMAtk - Verification, Validation and Uncertainty Quantification for Multiscale and HPC
Simulations. In International Conference on Computational Science (pp. 479-492). Springer,
Cham. doi:10.1007/978-3-030-22747-0_36.
REF3: Wright, D.W., Richardson, R.A., Edeling, W., Lakhlili, J., Sinclair, R.C., Jancauskas, V.,
Suleimenova, D., Bosak, B., Kulczewski, M., Piontek, T., Kopta, P., Chirca, I., Arabnejad,
H., Luk, O.O., Hoenen, O., Węglarz, J., Crommelin, D., Groen, D. and Coveney, P.V.
(2020), Building Confidence in Simulation: Applications of EasyVVUQ. Adv. Theory Simul..
REF4: Groen, D., Bhati, A.P., Suter, J., Hetherington, J., Zasada, S.J. and Coveney, P.V., 2016. FabSim: facilitating computational research through automation on large-scale and
distributed e-infrastructures. Computer Physics Communications, 207, pp.375-385. Doi:
REF5: Edeling, W., Arabnejad, H., Sinclair, R.C., Suleimenova, D., Gopalakrishnan, K., Bosak,
B., Groen, D., Mahmood, I. Crommelin, D., Coveney, P.V..The Impact of Uncertainty on
Predictions of the CovidSim Epidemiological Code. Nature Computational Science.
REF6: Groen, D., Arabnejad, H. et al. VECMAtk: A Scalable Verification, Validation and
Uncertainty Quantification toolkit for Scientific Simulations. Phil. Trans. R. Soc. A (in press,
preprint available at:\).
GRANT 1: Dr. Derek Groen, Verified Exascale Computing for Multiscale Simulations, European Commission Horizon 2020 Programme, June 2018 - June2021, EUR4,000,000 (EUR429,000 allocated to Brunel, equivalent to GBP379,643 [01-2021]).
GRANT 2: Dr. Derek Groen, HPC and Big Data Technologies for Global Systems, European Commission Horizon 2020 Programme, December 2018 - November 2021, EUR8,000,000 (EUR647,000 allocated to Brunel, equivalent to GBP572,562 [01-2021])
4. Details of the impact
NHS planning is typically driven by a mix of historical data and trend analysis. COVID-19 (a
novel virus), lacking such data, required rapid evidence analysis, synthesis, and simulation to
provide actionable local insight. Senior NHS managers (CIOs and direct reports) from West
London with Bell planned a collaboration strategy in March 2020. Brunel was then able to rapidly assemble academic teams deploying their research on evidence sifting (for model inputs), COVID-19 transmission and bed utilisation modelling. Research outputs were subsequently disseminated to the NHS through the delivery, presentation and discussion of 15 written forecast reports between April and December 2020, directly feeding into operational planning decisions of 2 NHS trusts, the London North West University Healthcare (LNWH) Trust and the Hillingdon Hospitals (HH) Trust, which together are responsible for the healthcare provision for 1,290,000 citizens. Scenarios were co-designed with the NHS as research was developed and validated. Forecasts were then disseminated to NHS analytics groups to further support short-term, elective and social care planning and transformation.
The epidemiological simulation toolkit has been used repeatedly from early in the first wave of
the pandemic [E8 and E9] to provide long term forecasts of COVID-19 spread to LNWH, and
was used during the second wave and after to provide forecasts for HH. This supported
healthcare delivery across West London in three different ways:
First, it informed the trusts’ operational response during subsequent waves of the pandemic
[E1], which led to LNWH arranging capacity in advance that benefited approximately 4,000
COVID-19 hospital patients during this period [E3]. Planning the zoning and repurposing of
wards was undertaken using a range of forecasted scenarios which included key decision or
trigger points. This was required as patient admission ranged from several per day to
approximately 1 per 10 minutes. As the pandemic progressed, models were refined and
adapted to better support general and acute (G&A) and intensive care unit (ICU) bed planning
(including surge capacity and stand-down points). This enabled the flexing of bed capacity
throughout 2020 from no COVID-19 beds up to 54 additional ICU beds and 44 acute respiratory
beds. The capacity increase also was aligned with the wider planning with local councils, such
that sufficient care home support and intermediate recovery beds were prepared for the surge
capacity scenario.
Second, it influenced the assumptions underlying the scenarios the trusts developed to help
them plan their non-COVID elective service recovery [E1]. Brunel’s forecasts provided early
warnings for new peaks which subsequently occurred, and quieter periods that occurred in
between. Both COVID-19 and elective service recovery planning affects the work pressure level
and well-being of approximately 2,600 relevant hospital staff (healthcare assistants plus
medical) and affects the care provisioning for approximately 1,600 elective inpatient and day
case admissions per week [E4]. In addition, the research helped LNWH to understand the
potential interplay of different factors in driving COVID19 admissions demand variations [E1].
Third, forecasts indicated the scale and pace at which capacity needs to be expanded and
whether it can be returned towards other health and care needs [E1]. The preparatory efforts,
informed by Brunel’s research, of both NHS trusts enabled them to facilitate more COVID-19
patients in their hospitals (629 beds occupied) during the peak of the third wave as compared to
the peak of the first wave (268 beds occupied) [E3].
The Brunel team was also requested by the Rapid Assistance In Modelling the Pandemic
(RAMP) initiative, which is coordinated by the Royal Society, to analyse the sensitivities and
limitations of the CovidSim code [REF5] using the VECMA sensitivity analysis and ensemble
simulation toolkit [REF6]. The results from Arabnejad, Groen, and others in the VECMA consortium were fed back to RAMP in a report [E7] and contributed towards a shift in SAGE away from sole reliance on the CovidSim model [E10]. The results are also published on the Science Museum web page for educational purposes to the general public [E6].
5. Sources to corroborate the impact
E 1: Testimonial and contact details of the NHS planning and transformation directors for the
E 2: Contact details of the NHS planning and transformation directors for the Hillingdon NHS
E 3: Information on COVID-19 cases and hospitalisations in England:
E 4: Annual Report on LNWH Trust:
E 5: LNWH Trust Wiki page:
E 6: Science Museum blog on Virtual Pandemics:
E 7: Sensitivity Analysis and Uncertainty Quantification for the covid-sim Epidemiological Code
[26th June 2020]
E 8: Correspondence with LNWH on 13-04-2020.
E 9: Correspondence with LNWH on 24-04-2020.
E 10: Evidence of modelling presentation shift in SAGE away from reliance of single
transmission models, relative to the direct CovidSim forecasts presented by the government in
March. Attached and available at: