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- University of Strathclyde
- 11 - Computer Science and Informatics
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- University of Strathclyde
- Unit of assessment
- 11 - Computer Science and Informatics
- Summary impact type
- Technological
- Is this case study continued from a case study submitted in 2014?
- No
1. Summary of the impact
Underpinned by fundamental research in autonomous intelligent (AI) planning at Strathclyde, plan-based control has been deployed by multinational energy industry technology company Schlumberger to support automation of the well construction process. This represents a step-change in the technology applied to automatic drilling operations, with economic, efficiency, safety and environmental benefits, and has supported Schlumberger’s strategic objective to move its services up through levels of automation. A range of impacts have been realised including: technology innovation and new product development; improvements in well construction processes including time savings (for example a 20% increase in drilling rate) and cost savings (estimated at USD300,000 per well), improved drilling consistency and reduced environmental footprint; and economic impacts including product sales and industry partnerships (for example with Exxon Mobile and Honghua Electric). Schlumberger is now also applying this automation technology to borehole logging and logistics.
2. Underpinning research
Fox and Long, together with research staff colleagues Amanda Coles (née Smith) and Andrew Coles, carried out fundamental research in autonomous intelligent (AI) planning at the University of Strathclyde between 2003 and 2011. A key focus of this research was temporal and numeric planning and plan validation.
Defining modelling language variants
Fox and Long defined the syntax and semantics of the modelling language variants PDDL2.1 and PDDL+ [ R1] in this period, and pioneered work in planning algorithms for management of the expressiveness of these languages. In 2003, PDDL2.1 introduced the durative action model and the continuous effect, and provided a complete formal semantics. It was adopted by the international planning research community as the standard language for generic temporal planning. Almost all temporal planning research published by international researchers since 2003 has been based on PDDL2.1. Fox and Long later extended PDDL2.1 into PDDL+ [ R1], providing constructs for modelling continuous processes and external events, and a formal hybrid automaton semantics.
Creation of a planner and plan validation system
Fox and Long had jointly chaired the Third International Planning Competition, held in 2002, and the on-going community-wide discussions and challenges, which built on that competition, significantly influenced the research of the international AI planning community in the following years. For Fox and Long, a main theme was the building of the planner, POPF (Partially Ordered Planning Forward) [ R2], that is the core technology underpinning the commercial exploitation by Schlumberger. In terms of key research content embodied in this work, POPF was the first temporal planner to properly handle concurrent activities [ R3] and to allow continuous change of numeric quantities to occur, and be referenced, during an action [ R4].
A plan validation system, VAL [ R5], was designed and built to enable automated plan verification. It was the first automated plan verification system capable of verifying proper management of temporal and numeric constraints in a plan. VAL has been extensively used in the AI planning research community ever since its introduction. Furthermore, VAL is an essential component in the plan-based automation toolkit being used by Schlumberger. VAL is capable of verifying plans built from models using the key features of PDDL2.1 and PDDL+, outlined previously, but there remain very few planners capable of constructing such plans.
Both POPF and VAL have been benchmarking systems in the international planning research community since 2003. POPF has become the canonical temporal planner, used as the baseline for other temporal planners to beat, and appears in empirical comparisons in many research publications. VAL is still the only automated plan validation system that covers the full temporal language of PDDL2.1. It has been used by the international community since 2003, and is maintained as a community resource on GitHub.
Advances in temporal and numeric planning
Based on the core work established in POPF and VAL, Fox and Long have developed new fundamental methods for generic temporal and numeric planning. For example, the Temporal Relaxed Planning Graph (TRPG) [ R6], first developed in POPF, has been adopted by all temporal planners that support concurrently planned actions. The innovation in the TRPG is the definition of a powerful temporal relaxation enabling efficient search.
3. References to the research
(Strathclyde affiliated authors in bold; FWCI at 02/02/2021)
Fox, M., & Long, D. (2006). Modelling mixed discrete-continuous domains for planning. Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research, 27: 235-297. [FWCI: 1.02]
Coles, A., Coles, A., Fox, M., & Long, D. (2010, April). Forward-chaining partial-order planning. In Proceedings of the International Conference on Automated Planning and Scheduling, 20(1). Available from:
Coles, A., Fox, M., Halsey, K., Long, D., & Smith, A. (2009). Managing concurrency in temporal planning using planner-scheduler interaction. Artificial Intelligence, 173(1): 1-44. [FWCI: 3.66]
Coles, A. J., Coles, A., Fox, M., & Long, D. (2009, July). Temporal Planning in Domains with Linear Processes. In Proceedings of the 21st International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence,1671-1676. [FWCI: 6.54]
Fox, M., Howey, R., & Long, D. (2005, July). Validating plans in the context of processes and exogenous events. In Proceedings of the Twentieth AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 1151-1156. Available from:
Coles, A., Fox, M., Long, D., & Smith, A. (2008, July). Planning with Problems Requiring Temporal Coordination. In Proceedings of the Twenty-Third AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 892-897.
Notes on the quality of research: The FWCI scores noted demonstrate that these publications have had higher than average influence on the academic field. Since 2003 the research has been supported by some GBP1,900,000 of competitively won research funding, with two key EPSRC awards supporting the development of POPF (Long, Illes, Fox, Automated Modelling and Reformulation in Planning, 01/01/2009-30/11/2012, GBP343,967; McArthur, Long, Bell Fox, Planning in Mixed Discrete-Continuous Domains, 01/06/2006-31/12/2009, GBP490,025). VAL, initially developed in 2003, was extended and refined under the latter award.
4. Details of the impact
Impact has been created through the commercial exploitation by energy industry multinational Schlumberger of the AI planning tools developed by Fox and Long. This has resulted in a step change in the technology applied to automatic drilling operations, with economic, efficiency, safety and environmental benefits.
Schlumberger is the world's leading provider of technology and digital solutions for reservoir characterisation, drilling, production, and processing to the energy industry. The company supplies an extensive range of products and services, from exploration through production, with a major focus on delivering hydrocarbon reservoir performance sustainably. In terms of scale, the company has product sales and services in more than 120 countries, employed approximately 82,000 people (representing over 170 nationalities) as of the end of third quarter of 2020, and reported revenues of USD32,920,000,000 in 2019.
From research to impact
Schlumberger became aware of Fox and Long’s work on planning with continuous processes through the company’s participation as an industry partner in the EPSRC Autonomous Intelligent Systems programme in 2011. Their research has subsequently been instrumental to the company’s introduction of autonomous directional drilling [ S1]. After initial evaluation, the company engaged Fox and Long as consultants from 2013, during which time they assisted with the development of an architecture for the later adoption of their methods in the application of automated drilling [ S1]. Both Fox and Long joined Schlumberger as employees in 2016.
The following impacts have been realised during the REF assessment period:
Technology innovation, new product development, demonstration and validation;
Improvements in well construction processes including time and cost savings, improved drilling consistency and reduced environmental footprint;
Economic impacts including product sales and industry partnerships.
The development and implementation of AI planning supported Schlumberger’s strategic objective to move its services up through levels of automation, the scale of the reach and significance of the impact realised set out clearly by the company’s Vice President for Technology Development, Well Construction Division:
‘The real step change in our approach to automate highly dynamic and uncertain drilling process started when we engaged Derek and Maria first as consultants and eventually as full-time employees. Their work on the AI planner has become the core of our present and future automation products and services. We have established two large engineering centers, one in Houston, Texas and the other one in Beijing to engineer the research prototype that Derek and Maria developed into commercial products’ [ S2].
Impact 1: Technology innovation, new product development and demonstration
In the period 2013-2015, the POPF planner as developed by Fox and Long was trialled by Schlumberger and a demonstration system was built to explore the potential of using POPF to automate drilling in US land operations. In 2016-17, Schlumberger carried out field tests using POPF, with the intention of identifying the commercial potential of the plan-based automation of drilling.
Concurrently, Schlumberger began the construction of a commercial planning system under the direction of Fox and Long. This led to the development of a next generation planner using methods pioneered in POPF. In subsequent deployments, the new planner was used to generate the action sequences, timing, and parameters (collectively known as plans), needed to reach a given depth. The plans generated vary depending on the hole depth, trajectory, formations and other factors. Preliminary results from field deployments confirmed the potential of the plan-based automation method to speed up the drilling process and provide associated costs savings.
The underpinning technologies built on the POPF planning tool and VAL plan validation system are now embodied in the Schlumberger commercial DrillOps on-target well delivery solution [ S3] available within Schlumberger’s DELFI cognitive exploration and production (E&P) environment [ S4]. Also within the DELFI environment, the DrillPlan solution, which supports the initial well construction project planning phase, works in tandem with the subsequent automation of the drilling process via the DrillOps solution. The two solutions operate as a closely coupled pair in delivering increased automation in well construction.
Impact 2: Improvements to well construction processes: efficiency, consistency and reduced environmental risks
The implementation of AI based planning through the DrillOps and DrillPlan solutions represents a step-change in well exploration and construction. Previously, the industry standards were manual planning and a process known as scripting, in which a pre-written set of instructions, a script, inform the drilling process. Both processes come with considerable drawbacks: manual planning is time-consuming and vulnerable to human error, and scripts – although a significant improvement on purely manual planning – are usually written for a specific location, and thus lack the flexibility to be shared between drills at different sites. Both approaches can therefore lead to inconsistent drilling, delays, additional costs and errors, which may be dangerous or environmentally damaging.
Automation provides numerous benefits over both manual and scripting approaches. It results in greater efficiency and improved consistency of drilling operations. In contrast to scripting, which typically produces scripts specific to individual drill sites, automation is also a more flexible approach and thus applicable to a wider range of drill sites. This saves considerable time and allows engineers working in similar geological areas to share solutions to problems, resulting in significant efficiency improvements. In these ways the capability of automating plan generation has advanced the state of the art in automation techniques in well construction.
The transformative nature of the impact realised through the DrillOps solution is summed up by Schlumberger’s Research Programme Manager for Automation and Planning at the company’s Cambridge Research Centre:
‘The work has provided wide reaching business impact, such as through the DrillOps autonomous drilling solution, which is not incremental but marks a fundamental shift in the way we approach automation both within our own operations and in solutions we are developing with major oil and gas operators…Automation, through temporal planning enabled by the work of Fox and Long, creates consistency of operations, which drives safety, reduces time-to-target, and the minimisation of environmental footprint’ [ S1].
Specific operational performance improvements from proof-of-concept deployment in North America, the Middle East and Mexico include [ S5]:
Improved drilling efficiency: a 20% increase in the drilling rate of penetration (ROP - the speed at which the drill bit can break the rock under it and thus deepen the wellbore);
The ability to apply standardised procedures throughout a fleet of rigs was found to reduce non-productive time; tool failure non-productive time was reduced by 90% after the roll-out of the DrillOps solution;
Analysis of drilling operations under manual and automatic control demonstrated that automatic control resulted in improved procedural adherence which has associated consistency and safety benefits, as well as reduced environmental footprint and risk.
Impact 3: Commercial implementation and associated economic impact
Since its commercial deployment started in 2019, the current generation of automated drilling products are used on 27 drilling land rigs [ S1], with each rig capable of drilling about 15 wells per year. The operational benefits outlined above are estimated to transfer into operating cost savings of around USD300,000 per well or USD4,500,000 per rig per annum [ S6].
In operational deployment, the step-change in operational consistency that the technology helps to deliver was reported in the Schlumberger financial results as a technical highlight of quarter 3 2020 [ S1]. This included reporting on deployment in Saudi Arabia where over 63,000ft had been drilled using the DrillOps solution, with a 17-30% improvement in rate of penetration [ S7].
In 2020, Schlumberger entered into commercial agreements with major global energy industry partners to integrate automation products including the DrillOps solution in Schlumberger systems developed for these partners. These include:
Schlumberger and ExxonMobil, the world’s largest oil company, finalised an agreement allowing ExxonMobil to deploy the DrillOps solution as part of the deployment of digital drilling solutions around planning, execution, and continuous improvement through learning [ S8];
Schlumberger and Chinese-based company Honghua Electric Co Ltd entered into a memorandum of understanding for the integration of the DrillOps solution into all new rigs manufactured by Honghua [ S8]. Schlumberger’s share value increased following this announcement.
Impact 4: Other applications of the planner within Schlumberger
The flexibility of the approach to AI planning, based in the Strathclyde underpinning research and embodied in the DrillOps solution, has allowed Schlumberger to implement it in other aspects of its services business [ S1].
Known as wireline operations, well measurement operations involve the deployment of sensors and associated transceivers via boreholes. These processes are typically operated manually, but this is accompanied by difficulties in controlling the winch, directing the cable and moving it a fixed speed. Schlumberger has successfully automated this process using the planner. As of 2020, Schlumberger’s system of automated wireline operations is currently under field test.
The logistics and product delivery requirements for well drilling are very large and complex, requiring a wide range of equipment and experienced staff, from a variety of locations, to all arrive at a drill site on a set day. Schlumberger has used its planner to successfully automate some aspects of this process in specific applications, with full deployment in 2020.
These new applications demonstrate the flexibility and broad applicability of the planner and its continued importance for Schlumberger’s operations.
5. Sources to corroborate the impact
Corroborating statement from Research Programme Manager, Automation and Planning, Schlumberger Cambridge Research, dated 25 November 2020.
Corroborating statement from Vice President for Technology Development, Well Construction Division, Schlumberger Cambridge Research, dated 3 December 2020.
Schlumberger DrillOps on-target well delivery solution information [accessed 18 February 2021].
Schlumberger DELFI Cognitive E&P Environment [accessed 1 March 2021].
Schlumberger, ‘Digital drilling system aims to close gap between well plan, rig workflow’, Drilling Rigs & Automation, September/October 2020, pp.27-29. [accessed 25 January 2021].
Corroborating statement from Research Programme Manager, Automation and Planning, Schlumberger Cambridge Research, dated 16 March 2021.
Schlumberger Financial Results Quarter 3 2020 [accessed 17 March 2021; p.6 of pdf version].
Schlumberger Financial Results Quarter 2 2020 [accessed 15 March 2021; p.6 of pdf version].
- Submitting institution
- University of Strathclyde
- Unit of assessment
- 11 - Computer Science and Informatics
- Summary impact type
- Technological
- Is this case study continued from a case study submitted in 2014?
- No
1. Summary of the impact
As a result of original research by Dr Conor McBride at the University of Strathclyde, dependent types are now embedded in the Glasgow Haskell Compiler, the de facto standard compiler for Haskell, a widely deployed programming language used in industry. As of 2020, 17% of open source Haskell libraries use features directly underpinned by McBride’s research. Dependent types in Haskell have been used to support millions of pounds worth of software development at Google, Habito, Galois, Digital Asset and Well-Typed, where it has been credited with improving programme robustness, speeding up development and deployment, and reducing costs.
2. Underpinning research
Dependent types are a programming language feature that capture relative notions of data validity, enabling accurate and enforced description of properties of software, thereby improving software correctness and lowering development costs arising from errors. This is important, as relative notions of data validity are widely employed in programming: efficient searching relies on data structures which satisfy ordering and balancing invariants; matrix multiplication requires matrices of compatible dimensions, and database queries must fit with the structure of the database tables, to cite just three examples. Haskell is a functional programming language with a strong type system, allowing high assurance code to be compiled efficiently. It is the most widely used general purpose pure functional language in professional programming, as well as an active area of research in computer science. The de facto standard compiler for Haskell is the Glasgow Haskell Compiler (GHC).
The Strathclyde Haskell Enhancement
Building on his previous research into dependent types, McBride developed a pre-processor in 2009, the Strathclyde Haskell Enhancement (SHE), in order to demonstrate that dependently typed programming was possible and useful in the context of an industrially deployed programming language like Haskell [ R1]. SHE extended the power of GHC with the notational support needed for simulating basic dependent types. These simulations showed the feasibility of adding dependent types to Haskell, and highlighted the changes required in GHC for it to be able to support true dependent types (as opposed to simulated dependent types). Written in collaboration with well-known Haskell programmers from Utrecht University and the University of Nottingham, McBride demonstrated implementation of dependent types in Haskell in R2, using lambda calculus as an example. This output presented the type rules for a dependently typed core calculus, highlighted the changes necessary to shift from a simply typed lambda calculus to the dependently typed lambda calculus, and described how to extend a core language with data types [ R2].
Haskell Types with numeric constraints
Partly as a consequence of developing SHE, the US-based technology company Microsoft funded a PhD studentship at Strathclyde for McBride to supervise Adam Gundry on the project Haskell Types with Numeric Constraints (2009-2013). Directed by McBride, this project aimed to extend Haskell with a basic form of dependent types allowing numerical invariants such as matrix dimensions and buffer sizes. The original methodology was to incrementally extend Haskell's existing type inference mechanism with only numeric constraints. However, the project soon grew in scope to encompass more general type inference and unification algorithms for Haskell extended with type-level data and functions [ R3]. This project laid the foundations for GHC's implementation of dependent types. A key finding leading to the impact described below is the realisation of the importance of heterogeneous equality, as invented by McBride, for stating equalities in the GHC core language: even when types look different, they can be provably compatible, so that it makes sense to equate a list of length 1+n with a list of length n+1.
Haskell Types with Added Value
The EPSRC-funded project, Haskell Types with Added Value (2012-2013), with Dr Sam Lindley as Research Fellow, aimed to use SHE, along with the emerging dependently typed features of GHC arising from the Haskell Types with Numeric Constraints project, to determine how much of dependently typed programming practice could be ported to an industrially relevant language like Haskell. Until this point, researchers in the Haskell community were still largely working with simulated dependent types, as used by McBride in SHE. However, Lindley and McBride questioned the potential to continue making progress towards dependent types in Haskell using this simulation approach, and argued that simulated dependent types should be replaced with true dependent types [ R4]. In particular, this paper highlighted the importance of disentangling the run-time/compile-time and inferred/manifest distinctions implicit in Haskell.
Applications of dependent types
McBride’s research has continued to provide further examples of dependently typed programming. At the 2014 International Conference on Functional Programming, McBride argued that intrinsic dependent types, with ordering and balancing invariants internalised, guarantee the correctness of a balanced binary search tree implementation with little programmer effort [ R5]. McBride used Agda (a dependent typed functional programming language), but the paper’s technique was credited and emulated in a keynote in the same conference by Prof Stephanie Weirich as an advanced example of Dependent Haskell [ S1b]. Similarly, in R6 McBride and co-authors showed that dependent types are effective for bug-free manipulation of programming language syntax in a manner now accessible to Haskell programmers.
3. References to the research
(Strathclyde affiliated authors in bold; FWCI at 02/02/2021)
- McBride, C. (2009). The Strathclyde Haskell Enhancement. (cited by peers since 2010)
- Löh, A., McBride, C., & Swierstra, W. (2010). A tutorial implementation of a dependently typed lambda calculus. Fundamenta Informaticae, 102(2): 177-207.
Available from: [FWCI: 3.4]
Gundry, A., McBride, C., & McKinna, J. (2010). Type Inference in Context. In: MSFP '10 Proceedings of the third ACM SIGPLAN workshop on Mathematically structured functional programming. ACM, New York, NY, pp. 43-54.
Lindley, S., & McBride, C. (2013). Hasochism: the pleasure and pain of dependently typed Haskell programming. In: Proceedings of the 2013 ACM SIGPLAN symposium on Haskell. ACM, New York, NY, pp. 81-92.
McBride, C. (2014). How to keep your neighbours in order. ACM SIGPLAN Notices, 49(9), 297-309. [REF2]
Benton, N., Hur C.-K., Kennedy, A., & McBride C. (2012). Strongly Typed Term Representations in Coq. Journal of Automated Reasoning, 49(2): 141-159 [FWCI: 1.29; REF2 in 2014]
Notes on the quality of research: R2- R6 were peer-reviewed ahead of publication. The underpinning research was supported by GBP247,706 in peer-reviewed funding from the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC):
Ghani (PI) & McBride (CI), Reusability and Dependent Types, EPSRC, 01/10/09-30/09/13, GBP151,124;
McBride (PI), Haskell Types with Added Value, EPSRC, 01/07/12-30/06/13, GBP96,582).
4. Details of the impact
The above body of research has directly influenced the development of the Glasgow Haskell Compiler (GHC) by providing conceptual clarifications and technical advances showing that dependent types in Haskell were both possible and practical, contradicting the previous consensus which held that an easy-to-use dependently typed Haskell was very unlikely. In 2009, McBride gave a demonstration of SHE at the Haskell Implementer’s Workshop, showing for the first time how simulated dependent types could in principle be added to Haskell [ S1]. Following this, McBride was invited to work with the GHC design team, who were keen to incorporate the features of SHE into GHC. From 2009 to 2013 there then followed regular and direct collaboration between McBride and GHC’s development team to work on GHC's type system features [ S1].
As a result of this collaboration, GHC extended standard Haskell by incorporating four programmer selectable dependent type extensions. This in turn has benefitted programming practice in Haskell by enabling greater functionality, reaching the world-wide Haskell user base. It has also led to positive economic impacts for numerous industrial users of GHC, who have been able to make use of the dependent typing features to produce significantly more reliable software with fewer bugs; as bugs take time and money to fix, this reduces the overall cost of using Haskell.
Incorporating dependent types into the GHC
Collectively, the four extensions informed by McBride’s research form the core of the dependently typed features of GHC, allowing Haskell to function like a native dependently typed language:
DataKinds (allowing data to be used in types, released February 2012);
PolyKinds (allowing types to abstract over the datatypes they use, released February 2012);
ConstraintKinds (simplifying Haskell’s operator overloading by integrating it better with the type system, released February 2012);
TypeInType (allowing more type dependency, released May 2016).
Citing R1, the paper introducing the implementation of the DataKinds extension notes that: ‘Our design is inspired by Conor McBride’s Strathclyde Haskell Enhancement (SHE) preprocessor’ [ S2a]. The coordination page for the four dependent type extensions to GHC listed above cites Lindley and McBride's Hasochism paper [ R4] as source material providing conceptual clarification on how Haskell's existing feature set can be integrated with dependent types [ S3]. Dependent types are also being incorporated into the Core language of GHC as an ongoing project, using the findings from the ‘Haskell Types with Added Value’ project as a ‘road map’, as stated by a member of the GHC development team in a 2014 keynote conference speech [ S2b]. This keynote speech also referenced R5 as a source of examples for applications of dependent types, noting that many of the examples were transferrable to GHC; the limitations of dependent types in GHC in comparison to Agda, as demonstrated in R5, were discussed as a key motivator for the integration of dependent types in GHC Core language [ S2b]. A new design for GHC with full-spectrum dependent types was published in 2017 and the specification referenced Gundry’s thesis stemming from the project with McBride in multiple places, including the statement that ‘Our design of DC is strongly based on two recent dissertations that combine type equality coercions and irrelevant quantification in dependently-typed core calculi’ [ S2c].
Confirming the role of McBride’s research in these developments, a Senior Principal Researcher at Microsoft Research, who was involved in the ‘Haskell Types with Numeric Constraints’ project and is also a member of the GHC development team, stated:
‘The effort to incorporate dependently typed features into GHC was originally inspired by discussions between myself and McBride, as well as his work on the Strathclyde Haskell Enhancement (SHE)… the project of making Haskell support richer dependent types continues to this day. These additions enable types to more precisely capture program invariants, allowing programmers to build programs that are correct-by-construction, dramatically reducing errors at compile time and hence run time’ [ S1].
Enabling greater functionality in professional programming practice
With dependent types incorporated into the design of GHC Core language, every Haskell programme compiled today using GHC uses McBride’s research. Due to the ubiquity of GHC, it is impossible to state how many programmes have relied on this research implicitly. Nonetheless, explicit use of the GHC extensions directly underpinned by McBride’s research can be identified using Hackage, which, as the main repository of open source Haskell libraries contributed by developers worldwide, provides a strong indication of how Haskell is being used [ S4]. Of the 15,433 packages on Hackage, as of December 2020:
998 (6.5%) use the PolyKinds extension.
2321 (15.0%) use the DataKinds extension.
1568 (10.2%) use the ConstraintKinds extension.
227 (1.5%) use the TypeInType extension.
3017 (19.5%) use at least one of them [ S4].
That 19.5% of a large repository of open source libraries use relatively new extensions to an established language like Haskell demonstrates the notability of McBride’s contribution to programming practice. Moreover, a number of these users are sizeable companies, including:
GitHub is a Microsoft-owned code hosting platform with over one hundred million code repositories. Semantic, a GitHub tool for code analysis launched in June 2019, is written in Haskell, and its codebase makes substantial use of the DataKinds and ConstraintKinds extensions [ S5]. Semantic is used to enable interactive code navigation via the GitHub web interface [ S5]. This is a deployment of significant scale, reaching millions of users worldwide.
Digital Asset, a US-based financial technology company, developed a smart contract programming language DAML in 2018 and uses the ConstraintKinds extension to simplify the code in their build systems [ S6]. A Senior Product Architect at Digital Asset has stated that ‘ConstraintKinds has been a massive simplification’ having made ‘key signatures 3x simpler, and thus more understandable’ [ S6].
Well-Typed LLP is a UK-based Haskell consultancy, founded in 2008, that is actively using and supporting the use of dependently typed Haskell in client projects [ S7]. Examples since August 2013 include the implementation of a major cryptocurrency, in which dependent types are used as part of a spectrum of verification techniques for higher assurance development, which would not be possible without dependently typed features [ S7].
Facilitating economic benefits for industrial users of Haskell
McBride's work, via GHC, has led to significant economic impacts at a number of major technology companies thanks to improved software correctness and lower development costs.
Habito is a UK-based online mortgage broker. Their online platform has brokered over GBP5,000,000,000 worth of mortgage applications since its founding in 2015, helping over 350,000 people with their home-financing needs [ S8]. Habito is almost exclusively written using GHC Haskell with dependently typed extensions, including all four extensions based on McBride’s research [ S8]. As Habito’s Chief Technologist states: ‘Heavy use of language extensions, particularly those which extend Haskell’s type system, is made throughout the Habito codebase… Over 90% of Habito’s codebase is deployed to production in customer- and institution-facing products many times a week, where it serves many thousands of visitors and customers each day. The majority of engineers interact with this codebase on a daily basis’ [ S8].
By using dependent types in their Haskell code, Habito has been able to save time and lower the risk of introducing logical errors into their programming by reducing the need to validate the same piece of data twice when checking business constraints in their refined library. Dependent types are also used by Habito to generate code that would otherwise have to be written by hand, and to automatically generate audit logs, both of which have saved considerable time for and increased performance for the business. Automatic code generation in particular has been credited as having ‘enabled changes which have increased performance by orders of magnitude, or added completely new back-ends, in relatively short timespans (weeks instead of months)’ [ S8].
Galois is a US-based research and development company. Galois has used dependently typed Haskell to develop its Crucible software, a retargetable software simulator for analysing software written in multiple programming languages, primarily for security and correctness. Crucible makes essential use of dependently typed Haskell to enforce crucial invariants about the systems it is analysing, preventing bugs in the analysis [ S9]. Galois has calculated that Crucible has played an important role in contracts worth over USD22,600,000 (10-2019), demonstrating its significance to the company [ S9]. These include use by Amazon to help ensure security of their ‘s2n’ cryptography library and in several projects funded by the US government on Fully Homomorphic Encryption and Software Brittleness.
As of 2019, US-based technology company Google uses dependently typed Haskell to develop a project to produce a hardware artefact and its supporting software infrastructure that will, in the words of two Senior Software Engineers at Google, be ‘deployed at a huge scale within Google and serve high volume traffic’ [ S10]. This project is being developed with a team of 20 engineers, ‘a large team of engineers (even by Google standards)’ [ S10]. Language extensions that support dependently typed programming in Haskell are used extensively in this project: by January 2019, the codebase contained 15 modules that use the TypeInType extension, 378 modules that use DataKinds, 51 that use PolyKinds and 69 modules that use ConstraintKinds. Highlighting the benefits of these extensions for the project, the Engineers stated:
‘Since we are very much a product group required to develop and deploy sophisticated software in a tight timescale we rely heavily on Haskell’s expressive power as well as the robustness of language extensions for features like dependently typed programming, many of which have been developed at your department [Computer & Information Science, University of Strathclyde]…These language extensions have significantly increased our productivity and helped to find errors early at compile time…Given the tight deadlines we operate to, the extra productivity afforded by the dependently typed programming features developed by Dr McBride et al. has been of great operational importance to us’ [ S10].
5. Sources to corroborate the impact
Corroborating statement from Senior Principal Researcher, Microsoft Research, Cambridge, UK, dated 20 January 2021.
Papers by GHC development team:
a. Yorgey et al. (2012). Giving Haskell a promotion. In TLDI '12: Proceedings of the 8th ACM SIGPLAN workshop on Types in language design and implementation.
b. Weirich, S. (2014). Depending on types. In International Conference on Functional Programming 2014.
c. Weirich, S., Voizard, A., de Amorim, P. H., & Eisenberg, R. A. (2017). A specification for dependent types in Haskell. Proceedings of the ACM on Programming Languages, 1(ICFP).
Web content from Haskell. Dependent Haskell [accessed 14 January 2020].
Summary of Hackage report. Raw data available from HEI on request.
Collated web content from GitHub. Semantic code main page ( and appended examples DataKind and ConstraintsKind use in sematic.
Corroborating statement from former Senior Product Architect, Digital Asset, dated 27 January 2019.
Corroborating statement from Haskell Constultant, Well-Typed, dated 28 January 2019.
Corroborating statement from Chief Technologist, Habito, dated 20 January 2021.
Corroborating statement from Software Engineer and Researcher, Galois Inc., dated 31 October 2019, with experience report by Galois on dependently typed Haskell in industry.
Corroborating statement from Senior Staff Software Engineers, Google, dated 24 January 2019.
- Submitting institution
- University of Strathclyde
- Unit of assessment
- 11 - Computer Science and Informatics
- Summary impact type
- Health
- Is this case study continued from a case study submitted in 2014?
- No
1. Summary of the impact
Research into the social, technological, and organisational barriers and facilitators to the adoption of digital health has led to practical applications in health and care practice throughout Scotland. Recommendations stemming from this research were adopted by the Scottish Government to directly inform Scotland’s Digital Health and Care Strategy. As a result of the evaluation methodology developed by the Strathclyde researchers, NHS Scotland now have quicker and easier ways to evidence and procure novel technologies, businesses have faster routes into the care market, and patients have a greater choice of technology for improving their quality of care. This research has directly supported the roll-out of two new diagnostic and screening technologies, and has furthered the expansion of the digital health industry.
2. Underpinning research
The adoption of digital health (the use of digital technologies to improve any aspect of health or care) is frequently cited as key to alleviating the growing financial and economic burden on health and social care systems. However, the uptake of health technology by health and social care systems internationally has been slow. Reasons include: a complex multisectoral market; concerns about data governance and security; and, crucially, a continued reliance on time-consuming randomised controlled trials and isolated technology pilots, which often fail to produce the necessary evidence to stimulate wider adoption. In response to this, in recent years there have been increasing calls for alternatives to these trials that can gather evidence on the functionality and workability of new digital technologies in real-world settings and provide service blueprints on how to make them work in practice at scale in multiple contexts.
Key Research Findings
Using human-computer interaction (HCI) research methods, Lennon, McCann and Maguire of the Digital Health and Wellness Group (DHaWG) developed agile evaluation frameworks to help monitor and assess real world digital health deployments of new technologies as they are implemented in the NHS and other care settings. These frameworks were informed by interviews, action research (observation) and process mapping, with the qualitative findings systematically mapped onto new and existing theoretical and conceptual frameworks to inform future research. In this way, the traditional model of HCI research was extended to include implementation science, resulting in a much more useful framework to explore digital health implementation in practice. DHaWG’s evaluation frameworks have been used to assess three large-scale, nationally significant digital health implementation programmes. Embedded within ‘Test of Change’ processes, these projects involved collaborative partnerships with an NHS board, academic partners, commercial partners and an innovation centre, Scotland’s Digital Health and Care Institute (DHI).
The dallas project was the largest global evaluation of readiness to implement digital health at scale, and the largest mainstream deployment of technology-supported services in Europe, with over 30 digital care services deployed and tested in the UK. Led by the University of Glasgow, the evaluation and dissemination was transferred to the University of Strathclyde with Lennon when she joined in April 2014. Due to existing recognised expertise in both HCI research and Digital Health Evaluation, Lennon led on the capture of real live process evaluation data (usability, acceptability, and feasibility of new products and services) across multiple sites, products and stakeholders throughout the project lifetime. This involved developing a novel, real-time evaluation framework, which allowed the capture and mapping of people, technology, organisations and systems involved in digital health implementation [ R1]. This evaluation revealed (i) the need to invest in digitally upskilling the health and care workforce; (ii) a call for guidance to support the consumer health market and alter legacy procurement models in the NHS to promote open innovation; (iii) the need to move away from traditional controlled studies of efficacy to adopt more agile, flexible evaluation frameworks that focus on feasibility, readiness to implement, and innovative health service pathways [ R2]. Key implementation lessons stemming from dallas were identified to promote the uptake of digital health, with a focus on flexibility, adaptability and resilience as key implementation facilitators [ R3, R4].
The National Atrial Fibrillation Programme aim to use a new continuous monitoring service, the Bardy Carnation Ambulatory Monitor, to diagnose atrial fibrillation (AF) in secondary care at a much faster rate than the current standard. The tool is a wearable strip that monitors a patient’s heartbeat over the course of 14 days while they go about their normal routine, thereby avoiding the need for patients to undergo hospital observation. Lennon and McCann conducted a process service evaluation of the entire programme within a deployment of this device in NHS Lanarkshire (64 patients), provided criteria for selection of the monitoring device, interviewed patients and clinicians to measure readiness to adopt, and generated evidence for Scottish Government and health boards on how to roll the programme out across Scotland [ R5].
ScotCap is a new NHS Scotland service intended to replace or complement existing colonoscopy services with a video capsule that, once swallowed by the patient, films its progress through the body and sends the information to the relevant healthcare service via the cloud. Lennon and Maguire used longitudinal qualitative methods to: capture the barriers and facilitators to acceptance and adoption of this novel screening programme as it was trialled in 800 patients in three NHS health boards in the north of Scotland; and generate evidence for health boards and Scottish Government on how to roll the programme out nationally [ R6].
3. References to the research
(Strathclyde affiliated authors in bold; FWCI at 02/02/2021)
McGee-Lennon, M., Bouamrane, M. M., Grieve, E., O’Donnell, C. A., O’Connor, S., Agbakoba, R., Devlin, A. M., Barry, S., Bikker, A., Finch, T. & Mair, F. S. (2017). A flexible toolkit for evaluating person-centred digital health and wellness at scale. In Advances in Human Factors and Ergonomics in Healthcare (pp. 105-118). Springer, Cham. Available from: [FWCI: 1.67; REF2]
Somers, C., Grieve, E., Lennon, M., Bouamrane, M. M., Mair, F., & McIntosh, E. (2019). Valuing mobile health: an open-ended contingent valuation survey of a national digital health program. JMIR mHealth and uHealth, 7(1).
Lennon, M., Bouamrane, M. M., Devlin, A. M., O'Connor, S., O'Donnell, C., Chetty, U., Agbakoba, R., Bikker, A., Grieve, E., Finch, T., Watson, N., Wyke, S. & Mair, F. S. (2017). Readiness for delivering digital health at scale: lessons from a longitudinal qualitative evaluation of a national digital health innovation program in the United Kingdom. Journal of Medical Internet Research, 19(2). [FWCI: 3.24]
Devlin, A. M., McGee-Lennon, M., O'Donnell, C. A., Bouamrane, M. M., Agbakoba, R., O'Connor, S., Grieve, E., Finch, T., Wyke, S., Watson, N., Browne, S., & Mair, F. S. (2015). Delivering digital health and well-being at scale: lessons learned during the implementation of the dallas program in the United Kingdom. Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association, 23(1), 48-59. [FWCI: 2.72; REF2]
Lennon, M., McCann, L., Horan, S., Kyfonidia, B., Munford, R., Bruce, A., Neubeck, L., Barber, M., Brennan, K., & Mooney, P. (2020) Process Evaluation for Technology Enabled Atrial Fibrillation Screening after a Stroke in Scotland. [Report]
Lennon, M., Macguire, R., Horan, S., Kyfonidis, B., Munford, R., & Jamieson, M. (2020). Process Evaluation of a New Technology Enabled Colon Capsule Endoscopy (CEE) Service in North of Scotland. [Report]
Notes on the quality of research: R1-R4 were peer-reviewed ahead of publication. R5 and R6 are reports prepared for the DHI, which is a collaboration between the University of Strathclyde and the Glasgow School of Art and is part of the Scottish Funding Council’s Innovation Centre Programme. The DHI is also part-funded by the Scottish Government, and supports innovation between academia, the public and third sectors, and businesses in the area of health and care. The body of underpinning research described has been supported by over GBP800,000 of peer-reviewed funding, including:
Lennon (CI and lead on evaluation) , dallas - Delivering Assisted Living At Scale, Innovate UK, GBP37,000,000 (GBP500,000 for evaluation component), June 2012-June 2015.
Lennon (PI), ScotCap and AF National Evaluation Programme, Scottish Funding Council and Digital Health and Care Institute, GBP330,000, Jan 2018-March 2020.
4. Details of the impact
The Test of Change approach used by DHaWG in the three programmes discussed (dallas, ScotCap and the National Atrial Fibrillation Programme) ensured that implementation and evaluation were embedded throughout the programmes, from procurement through to implementation, and that evidence was generated to support the adoption of new digital health services within the local context. Real life and real time experiences with patients and clinicians were also captured in order to provide usable insights for others to inform their adoption of services within different clinical sites and contexts. By doing so, Lennon, McCann and Macguire’s research has:
Informed healthcare policy by raising awareness of digital health and real-world evaluation in policy debate, and through direct advice to the Scottish Government;
Influenced the delivery of healthcare practice and services, leading to an improved patient experience;
Informed expansion of the digital health industry, by increasing visibility and supplying evidence for deployment business cases.
Informing healthcare policy
The dallas programme reached over 169,000 consumers, businesses, patients and healthcare professionals during its three-year lifespan, and has been repeatedly cited as having significantly raised national awareness of both digital health and real-world evaluation methods throughout the UK [ S1- S3, S6, S7]. Director of Innovation and Deputy Chief Executive of the Digital Health and Care Institute (DHI) confirms that dallas ‘engaged and inspired others by providing a large scale working example of “how to do innovation in a complex environment”’ [ S2]. As a result, the findings of the project, in particular the recommendations stemming from it [e.g. R3], Lennon was invited to present the key findings to the Scottish Government’s Digital Health and Care Strategic Oversight Group and lead a workshop on how dallas might inform the key strategic priorities for the Scottish Government’s Digital Health and Care Strategy [ S3]. Head of eHealth Strategy and Policy for the Scottish Government highlighted how ‘these recommendations resonate with the Scottish Government’s direction in this area and the workshop and presentation given by Dr Lennon were extremely timely in helping to ensure that Scotland continue to be among the global leaders in the future of digital health and care’ [ S3]. R3 was also cited by the Scottish Government in 2018 in two national policy documents on the future strategy for digital health and care delivery in Scotland; for example, the research was used in the Technology Enabled Care: Data Review and Evaluation Options Study (2018) to highlight issues related to implementation of digital health platforms, including ‘disempowerment felt by health staff, inequalities of access because of different levels of digital/IT skills, and fears around data safety, especially where platforms are run by non-NHS bodies’ [ S4]. Continuing this engagement, Lennon was invited to present these recommendations to the Scottish Government’s Digital Health and Care Strategy Advisory Board in 2018, and these recommendations have since been used to directly inform Scotland’s Digital Health and Care Strategy [ S5].
Influencing the delivery of healthcare practice and services
The evaluation methods developed in the underpinning research have provided the NHS Scotland and other healthcare providers with quicker and easier ways to evidence and procure new digital health technologies. Indeed, the work of DHaWG in documenting and evaluating examples of digital health innovation in complex environments has been acknowledged as contributing significantly to increased digital innovation in Scottish healthcare over the past five years [ S2, S6]. As the Director of Innovation and Deputy Chief Executive of DHI confirms, the dallas programme ‘influenced the integration of design-led innovation and citizen engagement as fundamental components of health and care service redesign in Scotland’ [ S2]. Components of this have also been adopted by regions in Spain, the Netherlands and Norway as part of their service transformation agenda [ S1].
DHaWG’s report on the National Atrial Fibrillation (AF) Programme [ R5] was used by NHS Lanarkshire and the Scottish Government to assess how AF screening devices can be scaled nationally to improve AF screening and reduce the number of strokes. As highlighted by the CEO of DHI, funder on the Programme:
‘[Lennon and McCann]’s engagement with NHS Lanarkshire in support of the service redesign in the detection of atrial fibrillation was a key factor in business case development to improve national screening service using digital technologies. This will improve the patient experience, reduce demands on in-patient beds and, in the medium to long term, improve outcomes for patients by reducing the risk of profound disability or death through stroke’ [ S1].
Likewise, the DHaWG evaluation conducted for the ScotCap programme [ R6] formed the foundation for a business case on colon capsule endoscopy (CCE) and enabled the industry partners to improve patient experience by responding to feedback in the evaluation to enhance the comfort and wearability of the recording device and belt worn to transmit images from the capsule [ S7]. CorporateHealth International, a Danish Company and partner in the ScotCap project whose specialists provide readings of images from the video capsule, confirms that: ‘The service evaluation phase of ScotCap created the foundation for the roll-out of CCE in Scotland’ [ S8]. By December 2020, ScotCap had been launched in NHS Highlands & Islands, Greater Glasgow and Clyde, and Tayside (comprising 35% of the Scottish population) [ S1, S7, S8]. By reducing the need for in-hospital colonoscopies across Scotland, use of ScotCap significantly reduces waiting times for bowel cancer screenings [ S7]. Speaking in media coverage at the time, Chief of Medicine for NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde stated: ‘This exciting development will help cut waiting times and will mean that many patients will avoid the need for more invasive tests’ [ S9]. Similarly, the NHS Lanarkshire Associate Medical Director summarised the benefits of the new service: ‘It enables us to conveniently explore the entire colon and can help us to detect or exclude cancer more quickly, as well as reducing the waiting time for colonoscopies’ [ S9]. This impact has even more significance since the COVID-19 pandemic in Scotland, which has led to widespread delays to health and care practices and the need for telemedicine has become more apparent, as the Managing Director for CorporateHealth International highlights:
‘Even though the pandemic complicated the administrative side of the roll-out, the shortfalls of traditional methods have been broadly exposed. To efficiently diagnose patient for GI symptoms, we expect that 5000-10,000 patients will be using the managed service in the next 9 months. Cancers that would have stayed hidden until the waiting list had been cleared will have been detected’ [ S8].
A collaborating partner from NHS Highlands confirms that, as a result of DHaWG’s evaluative work, ‘new service models are being adopted… and patients have a greater choice of technology for improving their quality of care’ [ S7].
Informing expansion of the digital health industry
For small to medium-sized digital health enterprises, participation in these three digital health implementation programmes has increased their visibility among potential healthcare clients and other clients, and established connections which have led to commercial growth for industry partners [ S6]. As the CEO of DHI makes clear:
‘DHaWG are working with DHI and procurement teams in the Scottish Government, NHS National Services Scotland and the enterprise umbrella organisation Connected Scotland to allow Scotland to ‘procure innovation’. Strathclyde are helping pioneer this ‘Innovation Partnership’ approach, allowing a competitive R&D process to result in the setting up of a procurement framework, meaning those businesses contributing to innovation have a clearer route to large-scale deployment of digital health technologies’ [ S1].
This acknowledgment is echoed by CorporateHealth International, who described their Innovation Partnership as ‘pivotal’: ‘the group from DHI and Strathclyde provided scientifically sound patient and service insights. This together provided the evidence needed to convince stakeholders from all functions in healthcare, government, academia, and industry to move forward with the roll-out’ [ S8]. As a result, businesses are now realising faster routes into the care market [ S7].
As an example of this, Sitekit Ltd, a Scottish small and medium-sized enterprise (SME), collaborated with Lennon on the dallas programme, during which time Lennon’s research evaluated barriers and facilitators to the adoption of digital personal health records, which was one of Sitekit’s core interests [ S10]. This provided Sitekit with the necessary know-how to identify commercial opportunities in the emerging Digital Identity market and ultimately set up a new business division within Sitekit for this purpose. Sitekit has since launched the eRedbook, a digital record of a child’s growth charts, vaccination data and other NHS health records, which was launched in Liverpool in 2014 and in London in 2017. By late 2020, an estimated 30,000 children had held an eRedbook account [ S10]. In 2019, Sitekit became a development partner in the development of the ‘Share2Care’ Local Health and Care Records (LHCR), a collaborative programme in North West England NHS and Local Authorities, which sees health and care records shared electronically between health and care providers. Currently there are 11 NHS organisations and 9 Local Authorities using the Share2Care LHCR [ S10]. In 2020, Sitekit became the prime contractor for the NHS Covid-19 Digital Staff Passport, which enables NHS staff to move more safely and efficiently between NHS organisations to support the COVID-19 response and is used by 67 organisations in NHS England [ S10]. Through the development and delivery of digital identity services, Sitekit has grown from 21 employees in 2014 to 72 employees in 2019 and has increased in turnover from GBP1,564,636 in 2014 to GBP8,413,604 in 2019 [ S10]. It has delivered digital identity services for NHS, National, Regional and Local Government and the private sector, and in 2019/20, Sitekit’s digital identity division was contracted by a major multi-national client in the finance sector to build the prototype of a global-scale digital identity service, which is currently in pilot in Australia [ S10].
5. Sources to corroborate the impact
Corroborating statement from Chief Executive Officer, DHI, dated 17 March 2021.
Corroborating statement from Director of Innovation and Deputy Chief Executive, DHI, dated 24 January 2019.
Corroborating statement from Head of eHealth Strategy and Policy, Health Performance and Delivery Directorate, Scottish Government, dated 30 May 2017.
Scottish Government. Technology Enabled Care: Data Review and Evaluation Options Study. Summary Report. May 2018.
Scottish Government. Scotland’s Digital Health & Care Strategy: Enabling, Connecting & Empowering. April 2018.
Corroborating statement from UKRI Challenge Director: Audience of the Future & Creative Industries Clusters Programme, dated 1 February 2019.
Corroborating statement from Research, Development and Innovation Director, NHS Highland, dated 25 February 2021.
Corroborating statement from Managing Director, CorporateHealth International, dated 23 January 2021.
Deadline. New camera technology launched could improve bowel cancer treatment. 17 December 2020.
Corroborating statement from Chief Executive Officer, Sitekit Ltd, dated 17 March 2021.