Ab Initio Structure Search and in Situ 7Li NMR Studies of Discharge Products in the Li–S Battery System
- Submitting institution
The University of Birmingham
- Unit of assessment
- 12 - Engineering
- Output identifier
- 46570392
- Type
- D - Journal article
- Title of journal
- Journal of the American Chemical Society
- Article number
- -
- First page
- 16368
- Volume
- 136
- Issue
- 46
- 0002-7863
- Open access status
- Out of scope for open access requirements
- Month of publication
- November
- Year of publication
- 2014
- Supplementary information
- Request cross-referral to
- -
- Output has been delayed by COVID-19
- No
- COVID-19 affected output statement
- -
- Forensic science
- No
- Criminology
- No
- Interdisciplinary
- No
- Number of additional authors
- Research group(s)
- Proposed double-weighted
- No
- Reserve for an output with double weighting
- No
- Additional information
- The high gravimetric capacity of Li–S batteries makes them attractive candidates for energy storage. AJM was co-corresponding author and modelling lead in this international multidisciplinary (Materials, Physics, Chemistry) article addressing the major challenge of identifying intermediates in Li-S batteries. It is highly cited by leaders in the field (Dahn, Gewirth, Nazar, Balbuena, Cui), and the Nobel Prize winner for lithium-ion batteries, Goodenough. It led to 9 further publications by the authors. Appointments based partly on this works include, KAS at Caltech, ML at the Weizmann Institute and JMG and AJM at the Universities of Lancaster and Birmingham respectively.
- Author contribution statement
- -
- Non-English
- No
- English abstract
- -