Copper(II)-Bis(Thiosemicarbazonato) Complexes as Antibacterial Agents: Insights into Their Mode of Action and Potential as Therapeutics
- Submitting institution
University of Durham
- Unit of assessment
- 5 - Biological Sciences
- Output identifier
- 111393
- Type
- D - Journal article
- Title of journal
- Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy
- Article number
- -
- First page
- 6444
- Volume
- 59
- Issue
- 10
- 00664804
- Open access status
- Out of scope for open access requirements
- Month of publication
- -
- Year of publication
- 2015
- Supplementary information
- Request cross-referral to
- -
- Output has been delayed by COVID-19
- No
- COVID-19 affected output statement
- -
- Forensic science
- No
- Criminology
- No
- Interdisciplinary
- No
- Number of additional authors
- Research group(s)
C - Biomolecular Interactions
- Citation count
- 30
- Proposed double-weighted
- No
- Reserve for an output with double weighting
- No
- Additional information
- -
- Author contribution statement
- -
- Non-English
- No
- English abstract
- -