La première circulation de la Servitude volontaire en France et au-delà
- Submitting institution
University of Durham
- Unit of assessment
- 26 - Modern Languages and Linguistics
- Output identifier
- 111500
- Type
- B - Edited book
- Publisher
- Honoré Champion
- 9782745349903
- Open access status
- -
- Month of publication
- -
- Year of publication
- 2019
- Supplementary information
- Request cross-referral to
- -
- Output has been delayed by COVID-19
- No
- COVID-19 affected output statement
- -
- Forensic science
- No
- Criminology
- No
- Interdisciplinary
- No
- Number of additional authors
- Research group(s)
- Proposed double-weighted
- Yes
- Double-weighted statement
- This 196,000-word volume contains studies and editions of five recently-discovered manuscripts of La Boetie’s On Voluntary Servitude and studies of its three earliest print versions. The volume focusses on the significance of individual early avatars of the work rather than prioritizing a single, putatively superior text. Schachter’s contributions to the volume drew on research conducted intermittently over the span of more than a decade including four focused years immediately preceding the completion of the volume and involved sustained work in half a dozen archives and rare book libraries in France, the US, the UK, and Italy.
- Reserve for an output with double weighting
- No
- Additional information
- Co-edited by John O’Brien and Schachter, the volume extends a research agenda first set out by Schachter in a 2008 article, which calls for a paradigm shift in approaches to studying La Boetie’s On Voluntary Servitude in its early modern contexts. O’Brien and Schachter assembled the international team of experts that contributed to the volume. Schachter is co-author with O’Brien of the 23,000 word introduction (which itself includes major interventions in the field); sole author of ‘Brouillons pour une refutation de la Servitude volontaire: Les notes de Henri de Mesmes dans BnF Fonds francais 839’ (the first sustained study of a set of notes towards a refutation of La Boetie’s treatise bound with an important early manuscript of the work, 3,000 words) and ‘La Copie Folger de la Servitude volontaire: Implications textuelles, contextes politiques, premiere circulation’ (a study of the Folger manuscript of On Voluntary Servitude that reveals a new political ambit for the treatise by studying its codicological context and transforms our understanding of the work’s textual tradition by exploring hitherto unrecognized filiations between the Folger manuscript and other copies of the text, 12,000 words); and editor of the edition of the Folger copy of On Voluntary Servitude included in the volume, reproduced there for the first time (13,000 words).
- Author contribution statement
- -
- Non-English
- No
- English abstract
- -