Enhanced Cyber-Physical Security Using Attack-resistant Cyber Nodes and Event-triggered Moving Target Defence
- Submitting institution
Royal Holloway and Bedford New College
- Unit of assessment
- 12 - Engineering
- Output identifier
- 39470188
- Type
- D - Journal article
- Title of journal
- IET Cyber-Physical Systems: Theory & Applications
- Article number
- -
- First page
- 1
- Volume
- 0
- Issue
- -
- 2398-3396
- Open access status
- Compliant
- Month of publication
- December
- Year of publication
- 2020
- Supplementary information
- Request cross-referral to
- -
- Output has been delayed by COVID-19
- No
- COVID-19 affected output statement
- -
- Forensic science
- No
- Criminology
- No
- Interdisciplinary
- No
- Number of additional authors
- Research group(s)
- Proposed double-weighted
- No
- Reserve for an output with double weighting
- No
- Additional information
- Smart power grids are typically characterised by weak security. This collaboration between Royal Holloway University of London and Imperial College London, designed a strong cyber-physical security solution, via the first ever combination of distributed MULTOS Trust Anchor devices within a network state estimation system, supporting Moving Target Defence. The solution, incorporating a new Authenticated Encryption based protocol, was practically evaluated by simulation and experiment, establishing a new secure framework for exploitation of distributed (rather than fully centralised) sophisticated anomaly/attack detection. A funding bid is in preparation for CyberASAP, to commercially develop the distributed and secure measurement nodes.
Relevant peer-reviewed journal.
- Author contribution statement
- -
- Non-English
- No
- English abstract
- -