Codi’r Llen, Ffotograffiaeth a Hanesyddiaeth ‘Annheyrngar’ Hywel Teifi Edwards
- Submitting institution
Aberystwyth University / Prifysgol Aberystwyth
- Unit of assessment
- 33 - Music, Drama, Dance, Performing Arts, Film and Screen Studies
- Output identifier
- 10039557
- Type
- C - Chapter in book
- Book title
- Perfformio'r Genedl : Ar Drywydd Hywel Teifi Edwards
- Publisher
- Gwasg Prifysgol Cymru | University of Wales Press
- 9781786830340
- Open access status
- -
- Month of publication
- April
- Year of publication
- 2017
- Supplementary information
- Request cross-referral to
- -
- Output has been delayed by COVID-19
- No
- COVID-19 affected output statement
- -
- Forensic science
- No
- Criminology
- No
- Interdisciplinary
- No
- Number of additional authors
- Research group(s)
- Proposed double-weighted
- No
- Reserve for an output with double weighting
- No
- Additional information
- -
- Author contribution statement
- -
- Non-English
- Yes
- English abstract
- This article looks at examples of historical writing by the historian Hywel Teifi Edwards, Codi’r Llen, a book featuring photographs of amateur theatre companies between 1880-1950, collated following a public appeal and published in 1998. Edwards’s interest in the popular culture of Wales during the later nineteenth and early twentieth century led him to take interest in performance and theatre, and the article considers how his historiographical method, affected by the dynamics and vagaries of performance, was ‘unfaithful’ to conventions of classical historical method. The article is in Welsh but quotes work by Clive Scott and Susan Sontag in English.