Anomalous magnetic structure and spin dynamics in magnetoelectric LiFePO4
- Submitting institution
The University of Birmingham
- Unit of assessment
- 12 - Engineering
- Output identifier
- 42077724
- Type
- D - Journal article
- Title of journal
- Physical Review B
- Article number
- 024404
- First page
- -
- Volume
- 92
- Issue
- 2
- 1098-0121
- Open access status
- Out of scope for open access requirements
- Month of publication
- July
- Year of publication
- 2015
- Supplementary information
- Request cross-referral to
- -
- Output has been delayed by COVID-19
- No
- COVID-19 affected output statement
- -
- Forensic science
- No
- Criminology
- No
- Interdisciplinary
- No
- Number of additional authors
- Research group(s)
- Proposed double-weighted
- No
- Reserve for an output with double weighting
- No
- Additional information
- This article represents a comprehensive understanding of how Fe spins interact in the well-space lattice of LiFePO4, and moreover how magnetoelectric couplings can arise from the magnetic structures observed. It led to further studies of the relationship between magnetoelectricity and spin structures in other lithium orthophospates e.g. LiCoPO4 (Physical Review B 96, 104420 (2017), and LiNiPO4 (Physical Review B 95, 064421 (2017),, and was covered as a news highlight by Helmholtz Zentrum Berlin (
- Author contribution statement
- -
- Non-English
- No
- English abstract
- -