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- University of Newcastle upon Tyne
1 Selected
- 6 - Agriculture, Food and Veterinary Sciences
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Showing outputs 1 to 92 of 92
- Submitting institution
- University of Newcastle upon Tyne
- Unit of assessment
- 6 - Agriculture, Food and Veterinary Sciences
- Type
- D - Journal article
- Year of publication
- 2014
- 10.1111/mpp.12184
- Open access status
- Compliant
- Title of journal
- Molecular Plant Pathology
- Submitting institution
- University of Newcastle upon Tyne
- Unit of assessment
- 6 - Agriculture, Food and Veterinary Sciences
- Type
- D - Journal article
- Year of publication
- 2017
- 10.1016/j.gloenvcha.2016.12.009
- Open access status
- Compliant
- Title of journal
- Global Environmental Change
- Submitting institution
- University of Newcastle upon Tyne
- Unit of assessment
- 6 - Agriculture, Food and Veterinary Sciences
- Type
- D - Journal article
- Year of publication
- 2019
- 10.1007/s11248-019-00157-y
- Open access status
- Compliant
- Title of journal
- Transgenic Research
- Submitting institution
- University of Newcastle upon Tyne
- Unit of assessment
- 6 - Agriculture, Food and Veterinary Sciences
- Type
- D - Journal article
- Year of publication
- 2018
- 10.1016/j.gloenvcha.2018.06.004
- Open access status
- Compliant
- Title of journal
- Global Environmental Change
- Submitting institution
- University of Newcastle upon Tyne
- Unit of assessment
- 6 - Agriculture, Food and Veterinary Sciences
- Type
- D - Journal article
- Year of publication
- 2017
- 10.1038/sdata.2017.190
- Open access status
- Compliant
- Title of journal
- Scientific Data
- Submitting institution
- University of Newcastle upon Tyne
- Unit of assessment
- 6 - Agriculture, Food and Veterinary Sciences
- Type
- D - Journal article
- Year of publication
- 2019
- 10.1093/jxb/erz527
- Open access status
- Compliant
- Title of journal
- Journal of Experimental Botany
- Submitting institution
- University of Newcastle upon Tyne
- Unit of assessment
- 6 - Agriculture, Food and Veterinary Sciences
- Type
- D - Journal article
- Year of publication
- 2015
- 10.1016/j.anifeedsci.2015.05.006
- Open access status
- Compliant
- Title of journal
- Animal Feed Science and Technology
- Submitting institution
- University of Newcastle upon Tyne
- Unit of assessment
- 6 - Agriculture, Food and Veterinary Sciences
- Type
- D - Journal article
- Year of publication
- 2017
- 10.1038/s41598-017-17451-6
- Open access status
- Compliant
- Title of journal
- Scientific Reports
- Submitting institution
- University of Newcastle upon Tyne
- Unit of assessment
- 6 - Agriculture, Food and Veterinary Sciences
- Type
- D - Journal article
- Year of publication
- 2019
- 10.1016/j.biombioe.2019.05.009
- Open access status
- Compliant
- Title of journal
- Biomass and Bioenergy
- Submitting institution
- University of Newcastle upon Tyne
- Unit of assessment
- 6 - Agriculture, Food and Veterinary Sciences
- Type
- D - Journal article
- Year of publication
- 2019
- 10.1371/journal.pntd.0006658
- Open access status
- Compliant
- Title of journal
- PLoS Neglected Tropical Diseases
- Submitting institution
- University of Newcastle upon Tyne
- Unit of assessment
- 6 - Agriculture, Food and Veterinary Sciences
- Type
- D - Journal article
- Year of publication
- 2016
- 10.1038/srep33215
- Open access status
- Compliant
- Title of journal
- Scientific Reports
- Submitting institution
- University of Newcastle upon Tyne
- Unit of assessment
- 6 - Agriculture, Food and Veterinary Sciences
- Type
- D - Journal article
- Year of publication
- 2018
- 10.1111/tpj.13892
- Open access status
- Compliant
- Title of journal
- The Plant Journal
- Submitting institution
- University of Newcastle upon Tyne
- Unit of assessment
- 6 - Agriculture, Food and Veterinary Sciences
- Type
- D - Journal article
- Year of publication
- 2019
- 10.1093/jxb/erz438
- Open access status
- Compliant
- Title of journal
- Journal of Experimental Botany
- Submitting institution
- University of Newcastle upon Tyne
- Unit of assessment
- 6 - Agriculture, Food and Veterinary Sciences
- Type
- D - Journal article
- Year of publication
- 2018
- 10.1111/mec.14903
- Open access status
- Compliant
- Title of journal
- Molecular Ecology
- Submitting institution
- University of Newcastle upon Tyne
- Unit of assessment
- 6 - Agriculture, Food and Veterinary Sciences
- Type
- D - Journal article
- Year of publication
- 2017
- 10.1016/j.landusepol.2017.09.002
- Open access status
- Compliant
- Title of journal
- Land Use Policy
- Submitting institution
- University of Newcastle upon Tyne
- Unit of assessment
- 6 - Agriculture, Food and Veterinary Sciences
- Type
- D - Journal article
- Year of publication
- 2016
- 10.1073/pnas.1603941113
- Open access status
- Compliant
- Title of journal
- Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the USA
- Submitting institution
- University of Newcastle upon Tyne
- Unit of assessment
- 6 - Agriculture, Food and Veterinary Sciences
- Type
- D - Journal article
- Year of publication
- 2016
- 10.1073/pnas.1601558113
- Open access status
- Compliant
- Title of journal
- Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America
- Submitting institution
- University of Newcastle upon Tyne
- Unit of assessment
- 6 - Agriculture, Food and Veterinary Sciences
- Type
- D - Journal article
- Year of publication
- 2014
- 10.1007/s00122-014-2369-9
- Open access status
- Compliant
- Title of journal
- Theoretical and Applied Genetics
- Submitting institution
- University of Newcastle upon Tyne
- Unit of assessment
- 6 - Agriculture, Food and Veterinary Sciences
- Type
- D - Journal article
- Year of publication
- 2019
- 10.1371/journal.pone.0210432
- Open access status
- Compliant
- Title of journal
- PLOS One
- Submitting institution
- University of Newcastle upon Tyne
- Unit of assessment
- 6 - Agriculture, Food and Veterinary Sciences
- Type
- D - Journal article
- Year of publication
- 2016
- 10.1098/rsos.150541
- Open access status
- Compliant
- Title of journal
- Royal Society Open Science
- Submitting institution
- University of Newcastle upon Tyne
- Unit of assessment
- 6 - Agriculture, Food and Veterinary Sciences
- Type
- D - Journal article
- Year of publication
- 2018
- 10.1111/mec.14518
- Open access status
- Compliant
- Title of journal
- Molecular Ecology
- Submitting institution
- University of Newcastle upon Tyne
- Unit of assessment
- 6 - Agriculture, Food and Veterinary Sciences
- Type
- D - Journal article
- Year of publication
- 2016
- 10.1016/j.applanim.2016.01.007
- Open access status
- Compliant
- Title of journal
- Applied Animal Behaviour Science
- Submitting institution
- University of Newcastle upon Tyne
- Unit of assessment
- 6 - Agriculture, Food and Veterinary Sciences
- Type
- D - Journal article
- Year of publication
- 2017
- 10.1016/j.vetpar.2017.07.027
- Open access status
- Compliant
- Title of journal
- Veterinary Parasitology
- Submitting institution
- University of Newcastle upon Tyne
- Unit of assessment
- 6 - Agriculture, Food and Veterinary Sciences
- Type
- D - Journal article
- Year of publication
- 2014
- 10.1073/pnas.1323629111
- Open access status
- Compliant
- Title of journal
- Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America
- Submitting institution
- University of Newcastle upon Tyne
- Unit of assessment
- 6 - Agriculture, Food and Veterinary Sciences
- Type
- D - Journal article
- Year of publication
- 2017
- 10.1038/s41598-017-07040-y
- Open access status
- Compliant
- Title of journal
- Scientific Reports
- Submitting institution
- University of Newcastle upon Tyne
- Unit of assessment
- 6 - Agriculture, Food and Veterinary Sciences
- Type
- D - Journal article
- Year of publication
- 2014
- 10.1111/nph.12858
- Open access status
- Compliant
- Title of journal
- New Phytologist
- Submitting institution
- University of Newcastle upon Tyne
- Unit of assessment
- 6 - Agriculture, Food and Veterinary Sciences
- Type
- D - Journal article
- Year of publication
- 2015
- 10.1111/mpp.12256
- Open access status
- Compliant
- Title of journal
- Molecular Plant Pathology
- Submitting institution
- University of Newcastle upon Tyne
- Unit of assessment
- 6 - Agriculture, Food and Veterinary Sciences
- Type
- D - Journal article
- Year of publication
- 2015
- 10.1038/srep12574
- Open access status
- Compliant
- Title of journal
- Scientific Reports
- Submitting institution
- University of Newcastle upon Tyne
- Unit of assessment
- 6 - Agriculture, Food and Veterinary Sciences
- Type
- D - Journal article
- Year of publication
- 2020
- 10.1038/s41467-020-16896-0
- Open access status
- Compliant
- Title of journal
- Nature Communications
- Submitting institution
- University of Newcastle upon Tyne
- Unit of assessment
- 6 - Agriculture, Food and Veterinary Sciences
- Type
- D - Journal article
- Year of publication
- 2019
- 10.1016/j.agsy.2019.102710
- Open access status
- Compliant
- Title of journal
- Agricultural Systems
- Submitting institution
- University of Newcastle upon Tyne
- Unit of assessment
- 6 - Agriculture, Food and Veterinary Sciences
- Type
- D - Journal article
- Year of publication
- 2014
- 10.1111/pce.12335
- Open access status
- Compliant
- Title of journal
- Plant, Cell and Environment
- Submitting institution
- University of Newcastle upon Tyne
- Unit of assessment
- 6 - Agriculture, Food and Veterinary Sciences
- Type
- D - Journal article
- Year of publication
- 2018
- 10.1371/journal.pone.0195817
- Open access status
- Compliant
- Title of journal
- PLoS One
- Submitting institution
- University of Newcastle upon Tyne
- Unit of assessment
- 6 - Agriculture, Food and Veterinary Sciences
- Type
- D - Journal article
- Year of publication
- 2018
- 10.1093/ajae/aay025
- Open access status
- Not compliant
- Title of journal
- American Journal of Agricultural Economics
- Submitting institution
- University of Newcastle upon Tyne
- Unit of assessment
- 6 - Agriculture, Food and Veterinary Sciences
- Type
- D - Journal article
- Year of publication
- 2015
- 10.1111/nph.13323
- Open access status
- Compliant
- Title of journal
- New Phytologist
- Submitting institution
- University of Newcastle upon Tyne
- Unit of assessment
- 6 - Agriculture, Food and Veterinary Sciences
- Type
- D - Journal article
- Year of publication
- 2018
- 10.3389/fnins.2017.00752
- Open access status
- Compliant
- Title of journal
- Frontiers in Neuroscience
- Submitting institution
- University of Newcastle upon Tyne
- Unit of assessment
- 6 - Agriculture, Food and Veterinary Sciences
- Type
- D - Journal article
- Year of publication
- 2017
- 10.3390/s17020309
- Open access status
- Compliant
- Title of journal
- Sensors
- Submitting institution
- University of Newcastle upon Tyne
- Unit of assessment
- 6 - Agriculture, Food and Veterinary Sciences
- Type
- D - Journal article
- Year of publication
- 2018
- 10.1111/tpj.13923
- Open access status
- Compliant
- Title of journal
- Plant Journal
- Submitting institution
- University of Newcastle upon Tyne
- Unit of assessment
- 6 - Agriculture, Food and Veterinary Sciences
- Type
- D - Journal article
- Year of publication
- 2018
- 10.1038/s41598-018-20716-3
- Open access status
- Compliant
- Title of journal
- Scientific Reports
- Submitting institution
- University of Newcastle upon Tyne
- Unit of assessment
- 6 - Agriculture, Food and Veterinary Sciences
- Type
- D - Journal article
- Year of publication
- 2015
- 10.1038/ncomms9493
- Open access status
- Compliant
- Title of journal
- Nature Communications
- Submitting institution
- University of Newcastle upon Tyne
- Unit of assessment
- 6 - Agriculture, Food and Veterinary Sciences
- Type
- D - Journal article
- Year of publication
- 2015
- 10.1098/rspb.2015.2151
- Open access status
- Compliant
- Title of journal
- Proceedings of the Royal Society B
- Submitting institution
- University of Newcastle upon Tyne
- Unit of assessment
- 6 - Agriculture, Food and Veterinary Sciences
- Type
- D - Journal article
- Year of publication
- 2016
- 10.2527/jas.2016-0458
- Open access status
- Compliant
- Title of journal
- Journal of Animal Science
- Submitting institution
- University of Newcastle upon Tyne
- Unit of assessment
- 6 - Agriculture, Food and Veterinary Sciences
- Type
- D - Journal article
- Year of publication
- 2016
- 10.5751/ES-08053-210224
- Open access status
- Compliant
- Title of journal
- Ecology & Society
- Submitting institution
- University of Newcastle upon Tyne
- Unit of assessment
- 6 - Agriculture, Food and Veterinary Sciences
- Type
- D - Journal article
- Year of publication
- 2017
- 10.1016/j.agsy.2016.12.012
- Open access status
- Access exception
- Title of journal
- Agricultural Systems
- Submitting institution
- University of Newcastle upon Tyne
- Unit of assessment
- 6 - Agriculture, Food and Veterinary Sciences
- Type
- D - Journal article
- Year of publication
- 2015
- 10.1111/jne.12295
- Open access status
- Compliant
- Title of journal
- Journal of Neuroendocrinology
- Submitting institution
- University of Newcastle upon Tyne
- Unit of assessment
- 6 - Agriculture, Food and Veterinary Sciences
- Type
- D - Journal article
- Year of publication
- 2018
- 10.1016/j.foodchem.2018.01.077
- Open access status
- Compliant
- Title of journal
- Food Chemistry
- Submitting institution
- University of Newcastle upon Tyne
- Unit of assessment
- 6 - Agriculture, Food and Veterinary Sciences
- Type
- D - Journal article
- Year of publication
- 2015
- 10.1073/pnas.1420536112
- Open access status
- Compliant
- Title of journal
- Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America
- Submitting institution
- University of Newcastle upon Tyne
- Unit of assessment
- 6 - Agriculture, Food and Veterinary Sciences
- Type
- D - Journal article
- Year of publication
- 2018
- 10.1074/jbc.RA118.002543
- Open access status
- Compliant
- Title of journal
- Journal of Biological Chemistry
- Submitting institution
- University of Newcastle upon Tyne
- Unit of assessment
- 6 - Agriculture, Food and Veterinary Sciences
- Type
- D - Journal article
- Year of publication
- 2020
- 10.1073/pnas.2003742117
- Open access status
- Compliant
- Title of journal
- Proceedings of the National Academy of Science
- Submitting institution
- University of Newcastle upon Tyne
- Unit of assessment
- 6 - Agriculture, Food and Veterinary Sciences
- Type
- D - Journal article
- Year of publication
- 2015
- 10.1093/ajae/aav033
- Open access status
- Compliant
- Title of journal
- American Journal of Agricultural Economics
- Submitting institution
- University of Newcastle upon Tyne
- Unit of assessment
- 6 - Agriculture, Food and Veterinary Sciences
- Type
- D - Journal article
- Year of publication
- 2014
- 10.3390/toxins6092694
- Open access status
- Compliant
- Title of journal
- Toxins
- Submitting institution
- University of Newcastle upon Tyne
- Unit of assessment
- 6 - Agriculture, Food and Veterinary Sciences
- Type
- D - Journal article
- Year of publication
- 2018
- 10.1038/s41564-018-0225-4
- Open access status
- Compliant
- Title of journal
- Nature Microbiology
- Submitting institution
- University of Newcastle upon Tyne
- Unit of assessment
- 6 - Agriculture, Food and Veterinary Sciences
- Type
- D - Journal article
- Year of publication
- 2017
- 10.1111/jen.12410
- Open access status
- Compliant
- Title of journal
- Journal of Applied Entomology
- Submitting institution
- University of Newcastle upon Tyne
- Unit of assessment
- 6 - Agriculture, Food and Veterinary Sciences
- Type
- D - Journal article
- Year of publication
- 2018
- 10.1016/j.landusepol.2018.04.001
- Open access status
- Compliant
- Title of journal
- Land Use Policy
- Submitting institution
- University of Newcastle upon Tyne
- Unit of assessment
- 6 - Agriculture, Food and Veterinary Sciences
- Type
- D - Journal article
- Year of publication
- 2020
- 10.1038/s41467-020-19585-0
- Open access status
- Compliant
- Title of journal
- Nature communications
- Submitting institution
- University of Newcastle upon Tyne
- Unit of assessment
- 6 - Agriculture, Food and Veterinary Sciences
- Type
- D - Journal article
- Year of publication
- 2014
- 10.1371/journal.pone.0087597
- Open access status
- Compliant
- Title of journal
- Submitting institution
- University of Newcastle upon Tyne
- Unit of assessment
- 6 - Agriculture, Food and Veterinary Sciences
- Type
- D - Journal article
- Year of publication
- 2014
- 10.1111/mec.12701
- Open access status
- Compliant
- Title of journal
- Molecular Ecology
- Submitting institution
- University of Newcastle upon Tyne
- Unit of assessment
- 6 - Agriculture, Food and Veterinary Sciences
- Type
- D - Journal article
- Year of publication
- 2014
- 10.1038/ismej.2014.20
- Open access status
- Compliant
- Title of journal
- ISME Journal
- Submitting institution
- University of Newcastle upon Tyne
- Unit of assessment
- 6 - Agriculture, Food and Veterinary Sciences
- Type
- D - Journal article
- Year of publication
- 2016
- 10.1098/rsbl.2016.0402
- Open access status
- Compliant
- Title of journal
- Biology Letters
- Submitting institution
- University of Newcastle upon Tyne
- Unit of assessment
- 6 - Agriculture, Food and Veterinary Sciences
- Type
- D - Journal article
- Year of publication
- 2014
- 10.1242/dev.103952
- Open access status
- Compliant
- Title of journal
- Development
- Submitting institution
- University of Newcastle upon Tyne
- Unit of assessment
- 6 - Agriculture, Food and Veterinary Sciences
- Type
- D - Journal article
- Year of publication
- 2018
- 10.3389/fpls.2018.01022
- Open access status
- Compliant
- Title of journal
- Frontiers in Plant Science
- Submitting institution
- University of Newcastle upon Tyne
- Unit of assessment
- 6 - Agriculture, Food and Veterinary Sciences
- Type
- D - Journal article
- Year of publication
- 2014
- 10.1098/rspb.2014.0619
- Open access status
- Compliant
- Title of journal
- Proceedings of the Royal Society B
- Submitting institution
- University of Newcastle upon Tyne
- Unit of assessment
- 6 - Agriculture, Food and Veterinary Sciences
- Type
- D - Journal article
- Year of publication
- 2018
- 10.1007/s11248-018-0078-x
- Open access status
- Compliant
- Title of journal
- Transgenic Research
- Submitting institution
- University of Newcastle upon Tyne
- Unit of assessment
- 6 - Agriculture, Food and Veterinary Sciences
- Type
- D - Journal article
- Year of publication
- 2020
- 10.1111/tpj.14757
- Open access status
- Compliant
- Title of journal
- Plant Journal
- Submitting institution
- University of Newcastle upon Tyne
- Unit of assessment
- 6 - Agriculture, Food and Veterinary Sciences
- Type
- D - Journal article
- Year of publication
- 2014
- 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2014.10.099
- Open access status
- Compliant
- Title of journal
- Science of the Total Environment
- Submitting institution
- University of Newcastle upon Tyne
- Unit of assessment
- 6 - Agriculture, Food and Veterinary Sciences
- Type
- D - Journal article
- Year of publication
- 2019
- 10.1007/s10640-019-00349-4
- Open access status
- Compliant
- Title of journal
- Environmental and Resource Economics
- Submitting institution
- University of Newcastle upon Tyne
- Unit of assessment
- 6 - Agriculture, Food and Veterinary Sciences
- Type
- D - Journal article
- Year of publication
- 2016
- 10.1111/1477-9552.12199
- Open access status
- Compliant
- Title of journal
- Journal of Agricultural Economics
- Submitting institution
- University of Newcastle upon Tyne
- Unit of assessment
- 6 - Agriculture, Food and Veterinary Sciences
- Type
- D - Journal article
- Year of publication
- 2015
- 10.1016/j.ecolind.2015.01.008
- Open access status
- Compliant
- Title of journal
- Ecological Indicators
- Submitting institution
- University of Newcastle upon Tyne
- Unit of assessment
- 6 - Agriculture, Food and Veterinary Sciences
- Type
- D - Journal article
- Year of publication
- 2018
- 10.1016/j.foodqual.2018.05.006
- Open access status
- Compliant
- Title of journal
- Food Quality and Preference
- Submitting institution
- University of Newcastle upon Tyne
- Unit of assessment
- 6 - Agriculture, Food and Veterinary Sciences
- Type
- D - Journal article
- Year of publication
- 2014
- 10.1371/journal.pone.0110614
- Open access status
- Compliant
- Title of journal
- PLoS One
- Submitting institution
- University of Newcastle upon Tyne
- Unit of assessment
- 6 - Agriculture, Food and Veterinary Sciences
- Type
- D - Journal article
- Year of publication
- 2019
- 10.1038/s41893-019-0277-3
- Open access status
- Compliant
- Title of journal
- Nature Sustainability
- Submitting institution
- University of Newcastle upon Tyne
- Unit of assessment
- 6 - Agriculture, Food and Veterinary Sciences
- Type
- D - Journal article
- Year of publication
- 2018
- 10.1038/s41477-018-0152-7
- Open access status
- Compliant
- Title of journal
- Nature Plants
- Submitting institution
- University of Newcastle upon Tyne
- Unit of assessment
- 6 - Agriculture, Food and Veterinary Sciences
- Type
- D - Journal article
- Year of publication
- 2016
- 10.1038/srep29301
- Open access status
- Compliant
- Title of journal
- Scientific Reports
- Submitting institution
- University of Newcastle upon Tyne
- Unit of assessment
- 6 - Agriculture, Food and Veterinary Sciences
- Type
- D - Journal article
- Year of publication
- 2016
- 10.1016/j.jveb.2016.03.004
- Open access status
- Compliant
- Title of journal
- Journal of Veterinary Behavior: Clinical Applications and Research
- Submitting institution
- University of Newcastle upon Tyne
- Unit of assessment
- 6 - Agriculture, Food and Veterinary Sciences
- Type
- D - Journal article
- Year of publication
- 2016
- 10.1016/j.joep.2016.02.004
- Open access status
- Compliant
- Title of journal
- Journal of Economic Psychology
- Submitting institution
- University of Newcastle upon Tyne
- Unit of assessment
- 6 - Agriculture, Food and Veterinary Sciences
- Type
- D - Journal article
- Year of publication
- 2018
- 10.1038/s41598-018-25339-2
- Open access status
- Compliant
- Title of journal
- Scientific Reports
- Submitting institution
- University of Newcastle upon Tyne
- Unit of assessment
- 6 - Agriculture, Food and Veterinary Sciences
- Type
- D - Journal article
- Year of publication
- 2020
- 10.1098/rsif.2020.0086
- Open access status
- Compliant
- Title of journal
- Journal of the Royal Society Interface
- Submitting institution
- University of Newcastle upon Tyne
- Unit of assessment
- 6 - Agriculture, Food and Veterinary Sciences
- Type
- D - Journal article
- Year of publication
- 2017
- 10.1111/pbi.12775
- Open access status
- Compliant
- Title of journal
- Plant Biotechnology Journal
- Submitting institution
- University of Newcastle upon Tyne
- Unit of assessment
- 6 - Agriculture, Food and Veterinary Sciences
- Type
- D - Journal article
- Year of publication
- 2016
- 10.1104/pp.16.00750
- Open access status
- Compliant
- Title of journal
- Plant Physiology
- Submitting institution
- University of Newcastle upon Tyne
- Unit of assessment
- 6 - Agriculture, Food and Veterinary Sciences
- Type
- D - Journal article
- Year of publication
- 2020
- 10.1098/rsbl.2020.0097
- Open access status
- Compliant
- Title of journal
- Biology Letters
- Submitting institution
- University of Newcastle upon Tyne
- Unit of assessment
- 6 - Agriculture, Food and Veterinary Sciences
- Type
- D - Journal article
- Year of publication
- 2016
- 10.1038/nplants.2016.186
- Open access status
- Compliant
- Title of journal
- Nature Plants
- Submitting institution
- University of Newcastle upon Tyne
- Unit of assessment
- 6 - Agriculture, Food and Veterinary Sciences
- Type
- D - Journal article
- Year of publication
- 2019
- 10.1016/j.cub.2019.03.033
- Open access status
- Compliant
- Title of journal
- Current Biology
- Submitting institution
- University of Newcastle upon Tyne
- Unit of assessment
- 6 - Agriculture, Food and Veterinary Sciences
- Type
- D - Journal article
- Year of publication
- 2015
- 10.1890/ES14-00316.1
- Open access status
- Compliant
- Title of journal
- Ecosphere
- Submitting institution
- University of Newcastle upon Tyne
- Unit of assessment
- 6 - Agriculture, Food and Veterinary Sciences
- Type
- D - Journal article
- Year of publication
- 2016
- 10.1111/gcb.13371
- Open access status
- Compliant
- Title of journal
- Global Change Biology
- Submitting institution
- University of Newcastle upon Tyne
- Unit of assessment
- 6 - Agriculture, Food and Veterinary Sciences
- Type
- D - Journal article
- Year of publication
- 2017
- 10.1186/s12711-017-0343-0
- Open access status
- Compliant
- Title of journal
- Genetics, Selection, Evolution
- Submitting institution
- University of Newcastle upon Tyne
- Unit of assessment
- 6 - Agriculture, Food and Veterinary Sciences
- Type
- D - Journal article
- Year of publication
- 2017
- 10.1038/s41467-017-01491-7
- Open access status
- Compliant
- Title of journal
- Nature Communications
- Submitting institution
- University of Newcastle upon Tyne
- Unit of assessment
- 6 - Agriculture, Food and Veterinary Sciences
- Type
- D - Journal article
- Year of publication
- 2015
- 10.1371/journal.pone.0136000
- Open access status
- Compliant
- Title of journal
- Submitting institution
- University of Newcastle upon Tyne
- Unit of assessment
- 6 - Agriculture, Food and Veterinary Sciences
- Type
- D - Journal article
- Year of publication
- 2019
- 10.1073/pnas.1908556116
- Open access status
- Compliant
- Title of journal
- Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America
- Submitting institution
- University of Newcastle upon Tyne
- Unit of assessment
- 6 - Agriculture, Food and Veterinary Sciences
- Type
- D - Journal article
- Year of publication
- 2014
- 10.1242/dev.113365
- Open access status
- Compliant
- Title of journal
- Development
- Submitting institution
- University of Newcastle upon Tyne
- Unit of assessment
- 6 - Agriculture, Food and Veterinary Sciences
- Type
- D - Journal article
- Year of publication
- 2019
- 10.1073/pnas.1906223116
- Open access status
- Compliant
- Title of journal
- Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America
- Submitting institution
- University of Newcastle upon Tyne
- Unit of assessment
- 6 - Agriculture, Food and Veterinary Sciences
- Type
- D - Journal article
- Year of publication
- 2016
- 10.1038/nplants.2016.178
- Open access status
- Compliant
- Title of journal
- Nature Plants
- Submitting institution
- University of Newcastle upon Tyne
- Unit of assessment
- 6 - Agriculture, Food and Veterinary Sciences
- Type
- D - Journal article
- Year of publication
- 2014
- 10.3389/fpls.2014.00673
- Open access status
- Compliant
- Title of journal
- Frontiers in Plant Science
- Submitting institution
- University of Newcastle upon Tyne
- Unit of assessment
- 6 - Agriculture, Food and Veterinary Sciences
- Type
- D - Journal article
- Year of publication
- 2016
- 10.1016/j.compag.2016.12.010
- Open access status
- Compliant
- Title of journal
- Computers and Electronics in Agriculture
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