Environment submissions database
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Showing research doctoral degrees awarded 1 to 1 of 1
University of York
Unit of assessment 19: Politics and International Studies
2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2019-20 Total 14.00 9.30 13.30 5.50 13.00 8.50 7.80 71.40
Showing research income 1 to 1 of 1
University of York
Unit of assessment 19: Politics and International Studies
Income for 2013-14 Income for 2014-15 Average for 2015-16 to 2019-20 Average for 2013-14 to 2019-20 Total income for 2013-14 to 2019-20 Total income for all sources £471,248 £660,038 £762,384 £706,172 £4,943,210
Showing research income-in-kind 1 to 1 of 1
University of York
Unit of assessment 19: Politics and International Studies
Income for 2013-14 Income for 2014-15 Income for 2015-16 Income for 2016-17 Income for 2017-18 Income for 2018-19 Income for 2019-20 Total income for 2013-14 to 2019-20 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0
Showing enviroment narratives 1 to 1 of 1
University of York
Unit of assessment 19: Politics and International Studies
To ensure that our research was at the forefront of our response to COVID-19, we established a Research Contingency Group (RCG) at the outset to provide central oversight. This provided expedited and coordinated decision-making, sharing of key information and support for the rapid development of new research programmes. The RCG managed our response to the closure of research spaces including laboratories, libraries, studios and archives, and to the challenges of undertaking research with human participants. All of these effects cumulatively impacted on our research income in Q4, 2019/20. A number of initiatives stemmed from the Group (and wider University), including: - A re-direction of staff time from research, for example, for clinical staff (in UOAs 2 and 5 in particular) to support the frontline response to COVID-19, along with equipment sharing to boost testing capacity (UOA5). We were the first university (via the Bioscience Technology Facility) to loan equipment, validate tests and provide training within the NHS, nearly doubling testing capacity at York Hospital; - Re-opening of our laboratories and research facilities at the earliest opportunity, prioritising those cases supporting the response to COVID-19. By mid-July 2020, over 90% of our laboratory space had been re-opened following detailed risk assessment work by our technicians. Our Library was opened to our researchers from 27 July; - The allocation of funding (both external and internal) in order to support new COVID-19 related research and to support research projects which had been significantly impacted by COVID-19; - A swift re-direction of staff and resources towards providing the immediate scientific and evidential requirements of Government and other external organisations. For example, research into the potential treatments and links between lockdown and air quality (UOA8); - New protocols to support our researchers (for example, in social sciences) which encouraged and supported the adaptability shown by our researchers in finding new ways of collecting data remotely where possible; - Establishing COVID-19 secure hubs on campus to provide a space for staff who needed to be on campus because working from home was causing acute detriment to their mental or physical wellbeing; - New policies and resources to support staff, for example, those with caring responsibilities and underlying health conditions, to address the particular challenges posed by COVID-19. This included COVID-19 Special Leave to help staff balance their workload alongside caring responsibilities. This was introduced at the start of the first national lockdown, when staff were told to “do what you can, when you can”; - Adapting our assessment practice for PhD students, which was highlighted as an example of best practice by the OFS (https://www.officeforstudents.org.uk/publications/coronavirus-briefing-note-postgraduate-research-students/). After a temporary fall in PhD awards in May 2020, they rebounded strongly in June and July, also supported by a new mentoring scheme put in place to support our PGRs. Cumulatively, these measures ensured the immediate responses to COVID-19 were sustained throughout, new research programmes could be established, and measures were quickly put in place to mitigate the disruption on research projects temporarily put on hold.
Showing research groups 1 to 1 of 1
University of York
Unit of assessment 19: Politics and International Studies
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